Goodbye and Goodnight

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"Hey guys, wait just a sec," You and Kris turned to look at Susie. "Well, I was thinkin, that Kris wanted to say a last goodbye. You know?" 

You agreed. After all, a final goodbye wouldn't hurt.

"Alright, I'm sure 'Kris' would like that" As soon as Susie heard your sentence she bolted towards the castle.

"Susie where are you going?" You heard Ralsei say in the distance.

"Brownies!" Susie replied hastily, opening the castle gate and sprinting inside.

You turn to Kris. "You coming to say goodbye?" Kris just shaked their head. "Oh, I just thought you would want to say goodbye" They shake their head again. "Well, I won't push you, stay here alright?" They nod.

You walk away.

(Credit to Andrew Pathlow)

Ralsei was sitting down at the edge of the castle. Looking at the sky. You sat down next to him. 

"Lovely scene isn't it?" You say, looking at the fountain flowing into the sky. 

"O-oh, Y/N! your here as well?" Ralsei says, blushing a little.

"Yeah. . . Just chilling out, waiting for Susie" You explain. Still mesmerised by the pitch black sky. "You know, this sky reminds me of you, Ralsei" 

"Really, how?" He says, confused. 

"Well, it's pitch black, but still doesn't fail to look absolutely beautiful." You chuckle a little.             "(Maybe I'm not so bad at flirting after all)"

Ralsei's blush deepened upon hearing the flirt.

"R-really?" He squeaks.

"Really" You say back, you clutch his hand. 

Ralsei looks back at the dark sky. "You know, before all this. I never would of thought that I would meet a person such as you, Y/N." He smiled and looked back at you.

"O-oh, thanks" You blush a little. "I, would say the same to you. You know we both sorta have the same pasts, you know. Left alone for years" You mutter the last bit quietly.

"Yeah I guess. But that makes another similarity between us!" He says. "B-But anyway, I've being meaning to tell you something, for uhm, quiet a while now." He looks down bashfully

"Really? What is it?" You ask.

"I-I uh, w-well you know back at the Prison? I, uh. . ." He was stuttering a lot, too much even. "Uhm, I (darn it)" You had a confused look on your face. 

"Don't worry, you can tell me another time. For now, we can relax" Ralsei slowly nodded.

You sat there for quiet a while. Listening to the wind, looking at the fountain, just enjoying each others company. 

You put your head on Ralsei's shoulder during the silent bonding time. He blushed a little at your contact. "Oh, hehe, thanks. . .Y/N" Ralsei chuckles. 

"There's this entire world out there" You wave you arm to the sky. "I guess. . . This is really something worth living for huh?" Ralsei hums affirmatively.

You heard the door slam open by none other than Susie. You heard her stomping towards you. 

"Hey ya lovers, where's Kris?" You look behind you, only to see Susie who's maw has been covered in chocolate.

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