Flying Through the Night Sky.

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Warning: Useless fluff chapter that is used for the transition to Cyber city into Queen's Mansion.

 If you don't like reading any unnecessary text, feel free to skip.

This chapter being released does not mean the hiatus is over. 

I've been, dealing with some stuff and it's really impacting my ability to write. So, yeah.

(Credit to Greenpixel)

 Cold winds blew around the Ferris Wheel with a spooky whistle. Though, right now, that wasn't a concern.

This was a moment of respite after all. It would be wise of you to enjoy it for a little.

The ride was nice so far, right now Ralsei was in a constant blushing state, while you on the other hand  just looked out at the 'night' sky. It was strange how the most ordinary places could become so beautiful.

The city looked absolutely stunning from up here, the neon clashed wonderfully with the blackness of the night sky. The skyscrapers seemed to reach to the upper reaches of space and  red cars were running through the black asphalt roads. The Ferris Wheels in the distance were moving throughout the buildings gracefully, as if they were chasing some sort of imaginary prey.

It was as if you were drifting through the sky itself, wandering around though the stars, forever entranced by the pale light they gave off. You would do almost anything to be one with the stars and to be protected by their comfort. Each one was a glittering eye in the void of the cosmos.

Perhaps you could find your own one, your own. . . Eye of the Universe.

Even though it was nice to lay back and chill out, the ride was incredibly slow, You supposed it was one of the few flaws that were apparent when you ride a portable Ferris wheel. 

Though for the case for Ralsei, he was doing anything but chilling out, his face was red and you swore you saw some sweat coming from his fur. Perhaps he was afraid of something? Or maybe he was still on the defensive after seeing that. . . Gremlin. 

Though you did want to find the source of his agitation, so you asked him if anything was wrong. 

"M-me? Oh I'm fine. Just a bit. . . Scared of uhm, . . .Heights! T-that's all!" Ralsei wasn't being very convincing, but you weren't one to pry (that much), so you gave a nod and continued to look out at the city below you.

Though someone needed to break the unestablished ice between you. So Ralsei made the first move.

Ralsei: "So. . . About that. . . F-ferris Wheel t-thing?" 

You turned to face Ralsei.

"Uh, yeah. What thing?" You replied, confused about what Ralsei was alluding too.

"Y-you know, t-the uh. . .k-kissing. . . thing." Ralsei twiddles his fingers anxiously.

You: "Oooooh, haha. . . Yeah." 

What was once supposed to be a nice, calming, Ferris wheel ride had now turned into. . . What ever this was.

After a bit of awkward silence, you decided to get up and sit next to Ralsei, putting your hand over his. You and Ralsei were both an embarrassed, blushing, mess.

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