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There we go, a new file, signed and sealed.

What? You want something different? Well I suppose I could switch up the story a little.

A new character, a person hated by everyone, but their determination allows them to keep on going. But for how long will this last?

And no, I can't change it up too much, this is the only add on. . . Except for a few secrets.

Sounds good? Oh and I will assign you to your regular host. As usual.

What do you mean it's unfair? It's my world, and you don't get a say, your choices don't matter.

Their name? 

Why. . . it's. . .

Y/N, was just a regular human like you and me. 

A person with hopes and dreams. A person with goals and aspirations.

Though something was peculiar about this certain fellow, was it that they were always picked on by the townspeople? Was it that they had no family? Or was it that their face was terribly deformed?

Was it that they always kept to themselves, in a messy little campsite? Was it their lack of friends? Was it that they always kept to the shadows? Was it their mask that they always put on?

Maybe, just maybe. It was all of them.

It was your normal walk down the streets, hiding from the bullies that would mercilessly strike you down, and call you names. Slinking into the shadows with your black clothing. Even though it was broad daylight you somehow managed to slip by without alerting anyone.

Sadly you had to go to school, or else the police would have to 'escort' you out of the town. 

And by escort, I mean execute.

You were human living in a town full of monsters. The law wasn't particularly on your side.  There was no point in running away from this place, your lucky to even be here anyway. 

School was a strange experience to say the least.

On one hand you had the entire class gawking at your facial features, whispering about you or even straight up using physical force to show who was boss around there. 

On the other, it housed your best friend, Kris. 

They were in a similar boat as you, a human in a monster filled town. Though life was slightly better for them as they had a seemingly normal face and an actual family. 

You arrived at the doors of the school and walked inside. You were early to class again, as usual.

You sat down at your designated seat, and waited for class to begin.

Around 15 minutes later the room was full with students. Some big, some small. But one thing was for certain, they all held a grudge against you.

Weather it would be Berdly always making snarky comments about you, or Noelle making threatening glares at you. They would always be angry at you.

Acceptance: Another Reader X RalseiWhere stories live. Discover now