Two on Two

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A black nothingness greeted you when you entered though the door. A cold feeling of dread enveloped you when you realised Ralsei wasn't with you.

"HEY RALSEI? WHERE ARE YOU?" You shout to, no one in particular.

I guess he left you. The voice decided it was their time to shine.

Not now.

I guess we just have explore, all, possible outcomes.

Yeah and that ain't one of them.

While you were mildly pissed off by the voice you spot a light in the dark. With little to no hesitation you run towards it. 

Past the light, a confused Ralsei paces back and forth, seemingly worried about something.

Do you proceed?

Sure why the hell not?

As you walk towards the light your vision becomes blinded for a few seconds before you are plopped down right next to Ralsei.

"Y/N, there you are!" He shouts at your dazed body.

"Yeah. . . I'm here" You mumble as you get up. "Let me guess Darkners get through teledoors easier?" 

"Yes, I suppose we do" he sheepishly looks to the side "But let's move forward, our friends await us!"

"(Yes. . . 'Friends')" You whisper to yourself.

In the next room you see a pissed off Susie, a bored looking Kris and a energetic Lancer. Though what was eye catching was the giant machine that looked surprisingly familiar.

"Geez what took you guys so long!" Susie stops leaning on the machine to confront you. "Were you guys making out or something?" Kris snickers a bit.

"Susie what's a 'making out'?" Ralsei asks. You didn't know Ralsei was THAT innocent.

Susie glares at Ralsei before starting her monologue.

"Well you guys are too late! Kris, Lancer and me have made the ULTIMATE THRASH MACHINE. (Kris move it towards them!)" She says.

"Muhahahahaha! You clowns are so screwed!" Lancer says.

"Ditto" Kris mumbles while using a makeshift remote to control the laser wielding tank.

"Now PREPARE FOR YOUR THRASHING!" Susie yells before hopping out of the way.

Ralsei seemed terrified by the monstrosity in front of him, you on the other hand we're not intimidated at all. You sigh and pull out you gun and shoot it right in the nozzle. 

What happens next will shock you! 

The laser spins around frantically, it's healthy green glow was gradually being replaced by a dangerous red one. After a while the head spontaneously combusted into flames and the torso and tracks soon followed after. Bits of harmless shrapnel flew about. Susie and Kris were in shock, seeing their beautiful creation destroyed. Lancer was just enjoying the destruction and Ralsei started to hide in his scarf again.

You blow off the imaginary smoke off your pistol, spin it around a bit and put it in you holster, like a cool, cool dude.

"WHAT THE ABSOLUTE FUCK Y/N!" Susie yells. "WE SPENT LIKE A-" She pauses for a second "GOOD 2 HOURS ON THAT!"

"Wow that's more time than you've ever spent on a project before" You slowly clap your hands. Ralsei laughs a bit.

"You know what, we outta teach you nerds a lesson!" Susie proclaims, wanting to bite your mask/face off. "ABOUT RESPECTING OTHERS WORK!"

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