Ep 135: Second Chance

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The room is aglow with the happiness and unity of the family. Reyhan, Emir, and little Elif are surrounded by Sevda, Seher, and Leyla, who are all filled with joy and excitement.

Emir, I'm sure you're going to be a wonderful father and a wonderful husband with this newly found happiness.

Emir smiles warmly, deeply appreciating their support.

Thank you, Sevda, Seher. I can't express how grateful I am for your kindness and support.

Sevda extends her arms to Reyhan and Emir.

Group hug, everyone!

Reyhan and Emir share a loving look before they all join in a warm group hug, celebrating their newfound happiness and the promise of a new family member.

Reyhan, you've brought so much love and hope to our family.

Reyhan's eyes glisten with emotion as she responds to Leyla's words.

Mom, you've always been like a mother to me. I never felt absence of my mother in your presence. I'm grateful for your love and guidance.

As they embrace, the room is filled with an abundance of love and hope, a testament to their strength as a family, ready to embrace the future together.



Reyhan is sitting on the bed in their bedroom, a soft smile gracing her face. Emir enters, his eyes lighting up as he sees Reyhan.

Finally, we got some time alone.

Reyhan, feeling a bit shy, lowers her gaze.

Emir takes a few steps closer and sits beside her on the bed.

Anyways, I truly savored that kiss at the wedding venue.

Reyhan, blushing, is reminded of that sweet moment.


Emir, his eyes filled with love and playfulness, continues.

Can I get that kiss now again? I mean... that was so...

Reyhan, playfully putting her hand over his mouth, stops him.


Reyhan then places her hand on her belly, a warm and affectionate gesture.

Look, baby, your baba is getting so naughty.

Emir chuckles and responds, his eyes locking with Reyhan's.

No, baby, your mama initiated it.

They both share a hearty laugh, their eyes filled with love and happiness, cherishing these precious moments of togetherness.

Emir's expression shifts, becoming more serious as he speaks to Reyhan from the depths of his heart.

Reyhan, you've had to endure so much because of me. I was blaming you for everything, and yet you emerged as a guiding light, brightening every corner of our lives. You've done so much, especially in this condition. Only a strong woman like you could find the courage to tell her husband about separation during her pregnancy...and that was just to protect him. Reyhan, I can never thank you enough for everything you've done for me.

Reyhan, moved by Emir's words, feels a surge of emotion.

Emir, I love you, and that's the reality of my life. You, your name, our kids... are my identity. I'm nothing without all of you.

Emir smiles through his tears, holding Reyhan's hands and kissing them gently.

I'm the luckiest person to have a partner like you, who has given me so many chances to prove my love to the same person again and again.

Reyhan responds with equal tenderness.

And I'm the luckiest person to find that love in the same person, again and again.

They share a heartfelt smile, their eyes filled with love and gratitude, and they embrace each other, reveling in the strength and depth of their enduring bond.

Reyhan, with a thoughtful expression, speaks to Emir.

There's also someone who needs a second chance.

Emir, looking confused, asks for clarification.


Reyhan meets Emir's gaze, her expression earnest and compassionate.


Emir's expression changes instantly to one of anger.

Emir's features contort with a sudden surge of anger and resentment.

This can't be happening. Doğan got the place he deserved. He's in jail. He tried to...No... I can't even bear to look at his face.

Reyhan maintains her calm demeanor as she tries to make Emir see the bigger picture.

Emir, I know he did so many wrong things, but have you ever wondered why he did all of that?

Emir looks at Reyhan with a serious expression, ready to hear her perspective.

He wanted to be recognized as one of Tarhun's. He wanted the rights he deserved, the place that Hikmet Baba never gave him. He spent his whole life starving for that. Emir, you're the one who can give him that.

Reyhan's words hang in the air, urging Emir to consider a path of forgiveness and understanding for Doğan, a complicated figure in their lives.

Emir, I'm not saying what he did was right, but perhaps a second chance could bring an opportunity to make amends and change things for him. Just give him another chance. I don't want you to carry the weight of any guilt, thinking that you could have made the right decision to mend the damage of many years.

Emir listens, his eyes fixed on Reyhan, absorbing her words.

By forgiving Doğan, you won't be carrying that hate for Hikmet Baba. You know what he said in his final moments... he couldn't bear to see hatred in your eyes.

Emir's expression softens as he feels those words from his father. Reyhan gently places her hand on Emir's, her touch having reassurance of her love.

Emir, life doesn't always give us opportunities for second chances. But those who offer those chances to others are always the most superior of all. I want you to be that person, Emir. I want to see you rise above all the guilt, anger, and hate. Healing can only come through forgiveness.

Emir remains silent, deeply moved by Reyhan's wisdom and the love that flows between them. He knows that Reyhan's words hold a profound truth, and he begins to consider the possibility of granting a second chance to Doğan, not just for Doğan's sake but for his own healing as well.

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