Ep 129: Emir Confronts Truth!

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Reyhan, still tearful from witnessing the closeness between Emir and Seher, returns to her cabin. Doğan follows her and enters, notices Reyhan's distress. He takes a few steps closer to her, wanting to offer comfort. Reyhan turns to face him, her eyes filled with tears.

Reyhan, you...

Reyhan, overwhelmed by her emotions, turns away. Doğan tempted to comfort her by placing his hand on her shoulder but hesitates and withdraws his hand as she continues to cry.

Reyhan, how long will you continue to suffer over a man who doesn't care about your feelings? You need to take a step for your own well-being. I understand it's not easy.

Reyhan, with frustration evident in her voice, declares:

I want a divorce.

Doğan is taken aback by Reyhan's decision, processing the gravity of her words. Reyhan, determined, reiterates her stance:

Yes, I want a divorce from Emir.

Doğan, though surprised, tries to ensure her decision is not impulsive.

Are you sure? I mean...

Reyhan remains resolute, unwavering in her choice.

Very much sure.

Doğan processes Reyhan's decision for a moment. He then looks at her with a mix of concern and support.

Reyhan, I want you to be sure about this decision. A divorce is a significant step.

I've thought about it, Doğan. I can't keep living in this pain. It's time to move forward.

Doğan, understanding the depth of Reyhan's emotions, nods in agreement.

If this is what you truly want, I'll support you through the process. Just know that you don't have to go through it alone.

Reyhan offers a small, appreciative smile, her eyes still glistening with tears.

Thank you, Doğan. Your support means a lot to me.

Doğan's gaze softens as he offers Reyhan something shocking.

Marry me, Reyhan.

His words echos in the room.

Reyhan, still reeling from her decision and Doğan's unexpected proposal, struggles to process it all. She looks at Doğan, her eyes reflecting a mixture of shock and confusion.

Marry you?

Doğan maintains his intense gaze, his expression unwavering.

Reyhan, we've both been wronged by the people we loved. Together, we can turn the tables, get the revenge we deserve, You and I, together. We can make them pay for what they've done.

Reyhan continues to contemplate the proposal. Her inner turmoil is evident in her expression.

Reyhan's thoughts are racing as she contemplates the proposal.

Reyhan looks into Doğan's eyes, seeing a glimmer of hope and revenge.

(with determination)
Yes, Doğan. Let's bring them to their knees. It will be a partnership and a deal between us.

Doğan smiles, and they seal their alliance with a shared sense of vengeance and retribution. The game has just taken a new, intriguing turn.



Emir and Leyla were standing in the living room.

I don't know why Reyhan called us here.

I have no clue.

Then Reyhan appeared and took few steps forward.

Ok.. so I called you both here because I have something to share. Mom as you know, it was becoming difficult for me and Emir to stay together so I have made a decision that I want Divorce from Emir.

Emir and Leyla stand in shock as Reyhan delivers her unexpected announcement.

I've thought about this, mom. It's the best decision for both of us.

(hurt and in disbelief)
Reyhan, you can't be serious. We can work through our issues. We can't just end our marriage like this.

Emir, it's not an easy decision for me either, but it's what I want.

Reyhan, please, for the sake of Elif, reconsider. Think about her.

I've considered everything, mom. It's what's best for Elif too.

Reyhan, Is it because you can't keep the secret of Hikmet anymore? Then, I will break it in front of Emir. I can't see you both falling apart.

Then she moved to Emir having guilt in her eyes.

Emir, Doğan is your step brother. Before marrying me Hikmet had a relation and...

Mom..You? You kept this from me for years! My own father lied to me, and you helped him! You kept this veil of illusions to cover his mistakes.

Emir's anger is palpable as he paces the room.

I can't believe this! My whole life is a lie. I can't even trust my own family!

(with tears in her eyes)
Emir, your father made a mistake, but it doesn't define him.

It defines everything Mom! And now you're telling me this when everything is falling apart. I can't trust any of you.

Emir, we were trying to protect you from the truth. We never wanted to hurt you. I didn't want this revelation to change how you felt about your father. Hikmet would never be able to see hate in your eyes, Emir.

Emir's anger is palpable, and he paces back and forth.

My own father, cheated his whole family and you want me to.. I just hate him...I hate him for all the lies and secrets.

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