Ep 87: Rainy Night

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Rain pours down heavily as Reyhan walks along the empty road, tears blending with the raindrops. She's overwhelmed with emotions, the weight of her daughter's condition, and the need to bring Emir back into their lives.

Suddenly, headlights appear in the distance, and a car approaches quickly. Reyhan doesn't react in time, but the car screeches to a halt just inches away from her. The driver's door opens, and Emir steps out, his face filled with concern.

Reyhan, are you alright? What are you doing out here in this weather, at this hour?

Reyhan turns to him, her expression cold, and her voice distant.

It's none of your business, Emir... Sorry, Mr. Emir.

Emir steps closer to Reyhan, his desperation evident in his voice.

Reyhan, please, talk to me. Don't shut me out like this. I need answers about my past. Nobody tells me anything, and I don't know what to do.

Reyhan's anger flares up her tone remains icy.

It's not your problem, Emir. Instead of trying to remember your past, you've moved on with someone else. You've built a life with Miral!

Emir, his voice trembling, denies any involvement with Miral.

No, Reyhan, it's not like that. I never had any relationship with Miral. I don't know how she's claiming all this. Since the day she told me about us, I've been in turmoil, still confused about everything.

Desperation leads Emir to grasp Reyhan's arms gently, pleading for her to reveal the truth about their past.

Please, Reyhan, you're my only hope. Please tell me what happened in the past. Who am I to you? What is our relation?

Reyhan, torn between her anger and the desperate need for Emir to remember, hesitates before deciding whether to reveal the painful truth.

Reyhan's eyes glisten with a mixture of pain and hope. She takes a deep breath, her voice trembling as she begins to open up to Emir.

Emir, there's so much you don't remember... so much that has happened between us. We were... we are... married. You're my husband, Emir. Elif, my daughter, she's your child too.

Emir's eyes widen in shock as Reyhan's words begin to sink in.

Elif ..My daughter?

Reyhan nods, tears rolling down her cheeks.

Yes, Emir. We were deeply in love, and then... then you left the house after an argument between us. And after that It's been 7 years..Emir, I was waiting for you. I tried so hard to search for your traces but nothing worked.

Emir's emotions are a whirlwind as he tries to grasp this newfound knowledge.

I... I don't know what to say. I can't believe I forgot all of this. You..My daughter..My family..

Reyhan reaches out and gently touches Emir's cheek.

It's not your fault, Emir. But now, Elif needs you more than ever. She's very sick, and the only chance she has is..You..you're a bone marrow match for her.

Emir is taken aback by the gravity of the situation.

I'll do whatever it takes, Reyhan. I want to be there for Elif. I want to make things right. I want to be with my daughter.

Reyhan's heart swells with a mixture of relief and love for the man who is now determined to reclaim his past and be a father to their daughter.

Reyhan's eyes are filled with gratitude as she realizes that Emir is willing to step up for Elif. She takes a deep breath and nods.

Thank you, Emir. Elif needs us now more than ever. Let's go to the hospital, and I'll explain everything to the doctors.

Emir nods in agreement, his heart heavy with the realization of the years he's lost.

Let's not waste any more time, Reyhan. I want to help Elif in any way I can.

Reyhan manages a weak smile, appreciating Emir's newfound determination.

I will inform the doctor right away.. Elif will be so happy to know her father is here for her.

Then they both head towards the car and sit along side with eachother. Then there was a problem in Reyhan's side seatbelt. Emir noticed her struggle.

As Emir leaned in to help Reyhan with her stuck seatbelt, their faces drew closer, and time seemed to slow down. Raindrops from Emir's wet hair fell onto Reyhan's cheeks, adding to the intensity of the moment.

The song "Dil Ibadat" was playing in the background.

Their eyes locked, and for a brief, electrifying second, the world around them disappeared.

Emir's fingers skillfully worked to release the stubborn seatbelt, but neither of them was in a hurry to break the connection they were sharing. Reyhan's heart raced, and Emir's gaze flickered down to her lips and back to her eyes.

They remained close, caught in a moment that felt like destiny pulling them back together. It was as if the rain itself had brought them closer, washing away the misunderstandings and hurt of the past, leaving only the raw emotions that had never truly disappeared.

Their faces draw closer, and just as their lips are about to meet, the car's headlights suddenly flash, and the horn honks from behind. Startled, they pull away abruptly, their faces flushed with a mixture of desire and surprise.

They both try to regain their composure, their hearts racing as they continue their journey into the rainy night, each lost in their own thoughts about what almost transpired between them.


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