Ep 59: Emir is in trouble

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Reyhan sits in the dimly lit living room, her eyes filled with tears, and her heart heavy with pain. She's lost in her own world of sorrow and despair when the sudden entrance of POLICE OFFICERS breaks the silence.

POLICE OFFICER 1: (firmly) Is Mr. Emir Tarhun here?

Reyhan's eyes widen in shock as she slowly stands up, her heart racing with fear.

REYHAN: (trembling) Yes, he's here. What's going on?

Emir emerges from the study room, his expression a mixture of disbelief and resignation. The police officers approach him with solemn faces.

POLICE OFFICER 2: Mr. Emir Tarhun, you are under arrest for the murder of Halil Sarsılmaz.

Reyhan gasps, her hands covering her mouth in shock. Emir looks at Reyhan with a heavy heart, unable to offer any reassurance.

EMIR: (softly, to Reyhan) Reyhan, I'll be okay. Please, don't worry.

Reyhan and Emir exchange one last sorrowful glance before the police officers escort Emir away, leaving Reyhan standing in the now-empty living room, her world shattered once again.

Reyhan rushes to her room, her hands trembling as she dials Hikmet's number. She anxiously waits for him to answer, her heart pounding in her chest. After a few rings, Hikmet finally picks up.

HIKMET: (concerned) Reyhan, what's wrong?

REYHAN: (voice shaking) Hikmet Baba, something terrible has happened. They've arrested Emir. They're accusing him of murder.

Hikmet's voice tightens with worry.

HIKMET: (worried) What? How did this happen?

REYHAN: (tearful) I don't know all the details yet, but the police just took him away from our home. I'm so scared, Hikmet Baba.

Hikmet exchanges a glance with Leyla, his mind racing.

HIKMET: (firm) Reyhan, stay strong. We'll come back as soon as we can. Don't worry; we'll figure this out together. In the meantime, call a lawyer and do everything necessary to help Emir.

Reyhan nods, her eyes filled with tears, grateful for Hikmet's support, even from a distance.

REYHAN: (softly) Thank you, Hikmet Baba. Please come back soon.

Hikmet hangs up, his concern evident on his face, as he and Leyla hurriedly make arrangements to return home to support Reyhan and Emir.


Reyhan stands alone in the dimly lit police station, anxiety etched across her face. She listens intently as the police officer delivers the distressing news.

POLICE OFFICER: (solemn) Mrs. Tarhun, we initially granted Mr. Emir Tarhun bail, but this afternoon, a statement was provided by a witness named Murat Polat. He claims to have seen Mr. Tarhun push Halil from the height at the murder scene.

Reyhan's eyes widen in disbelief and shock. She can hardly process this sudden turn of events.

REYHAN: (frustrated) Murat? How could he say such a thing? He's lying!

The police officer remains composed but firm.

POLICE OFFICER: (calmly) Mrs. Tarhun, we have to investigate this thoroughly. Right now, Mr. Emir Tarhun is in custody. We'll need to gather all the evidence and statements before proceeding.

Reyhan takes a deep breath, trying to keep her emotions in check, determined to clear Emir's name.

REYHAN: (resolute) I understand, officer. I will do everything I can to prove Emir's innocence. Can I meet Emir?


Reyhan, her expression icy and determined, approaches Emir, who is seated in a cold, dimly lit visiting area within the police station. Her questions are sharp and direct.

REYHAN: (firmly) Emir, I need to know the truth. Were you and Ayşe involved in a relationship?

Emir's eyes widen in disbelief at the accusation.

EMIR: (defensive) Reyhan, what are you saying? Are you hearing yourself right now? Of course not! Reyhan, this is part of a malicious plot against us.

Reyhan cuts him off, her tone unwavering.

REYHAN: (assertive) Ayşe approached me one day, Emir, asking for money for her mother's treatment.

Emir starts to explain, taking her back to that moment.

EMIR: (flashback) She did come to me, Reyhan. She asked for help, her mother's illness was genuine. I couldn't say no.

Returning to the present, Emir pleads with Reyhan.

Reyhan interrupts him, her voice tinged with frustration.

REYHAN: (bluntly) Miral showed me some photographs. You and Ayşe were together in your car.

Emir's face registers recognition as he recalls the incident.

EMIR: (earnest) Reyhan, those photographs that Miral showed you, they're misleading. Ayşe needed a ride to the hospital for her mother, so I dropped her off. Nothing more.

Emir's gaze is filled with sincerity as he continues.

EMIR: (lovingly) Reyhan, you know how much I love you. I can't even imagine doing something like that to hurt you.

Reyhan is torn, her emotions raging within her, unsure of whom to trust. She gazes deep into Emir's eyes, searching for any sign of deception or truth.


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