Ep 63: Emir's bold step

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Emir is sitting across from his mother, Leyla, with a grave expression. He takes a deep breath, trying to find the right words to convey his concerns about Reyhan's complicated pregnancy.

EMIR: (worried) Mom, I need to talk to you about Reyhan's pregnancy. The doctor mentioned that it's a high-risk situation, and we need to consider the options.And Reyhan isn't ready to abort this child.

LEYLA: Emir there's no need to be stressed..You both can plan another baby.. You can have a second chance...

EMIR: There's... There's no other chance that Reyhan could ever be able to conceive after this pregnancy.

Leyla looks at Emir, her face filled with determination.

LEYLA: (firmly) Emir, there's no need to discuss any options. Reyhan is doing what's absolutely right.

Emir is taken aback by his mother's unwavering support for Reyhan's decision.

EMIR: (frustrated) Mom, you don't understand. This pregnancy could put Reyhan's life at risk, and it might affect the future of our relationship too.. We should consider...

Leyla interrupts him, her voice filled with conviction.

LEYLA: (defiantly) Emir, Reyhan is carrying the heir of the Tarhun group. This child is vital for the legacy of our family. We can't compromise on that.

Emir is shocked and disappointed by his mother's response.

EMIR: (disbelief) What?! Mom, I can't believe what I'm hearing. I'm talking about Reyhan's health, her well-being, and you're only concerned about the family legacy?

Leyla remains resolute, refusing to back down.

LEYLA: (firmly) Emir, you need to understand the importance of this child. It's not just about us; it's about the future of the Tarhun family.

Emir, frustrated and hurt, gets up from his seat, realizing that he won't find the support he hoped for from his mother.

EMIR: (disappointed) I didn't expect this from you, Mom.

LEYLA: (firmly) Emir, sometimes we have to make sacrifices for the greater good of our family and legacy. Reyhan understands that, and I stand by her decision.

Emir is left shocked and disappointed by his mother's stance. He thought she would understand his concerns, but it seems she's more focused on the family's future than Reyhan's health.

He leaves Leyla's room, his mind filled with conflict and disappointment, torn between his love for Reyhan and the expectations of his mother.



Emir returns home after his conversation with his mother Leyla. He finds Reyhan sitting by the window, lost in thought, the room shrouded in darkness.

EMIR: (softly) Reyhan, we need to talk.

Reyhan looks up, her eyes filled with a mix of determination and sadness.

REYHAN: (resolute) Emir, I've made my decision. I want to keep this child.

Emir walks over to her, his face a mixture of concern and frustration. He kneels down in front of her, taking her hands into his.

EMIR: (pleading) Reyhan, please try to understand. The doctor said the pregnancy is complicated. It could harm you, and I can't bear the thought of anything happening to you.

Reyhan's eyes well up with tears, but she remains steadfast.

REYHAN: (emotionally) Emir, this child means everything to me. I want to give you the family you deserve, no matter the cost.

Emir clenches his fists in frustration, torn between his love for Reyhan and his fear for her well-being.

EMIR: (frustrated) Reyhan, you're risking your life for this. I can't lose you.

Reyhan gently cups Emir's face, her touch filled with love and determination.

REYHAN: (firmly) Emir, we'll get through this together. I believe in us, in our love, and in our family.

Emir gazes deeply into Reyhan's eyes, realizing that her decision is final. He got more frustrated.

EMIR: (Angry) Alright, Reyhan, if this is what you truly want, then okay..You and mom.. maintain the legacy of the family. I won't say a single word. Do whatever you want.

Emir got tears in his eyes, getting heavy with his emotions and anger.

EMIR: (emotionally) Reyhan, I need you to understand. I lost my first love, Nihan, in circumstances beyond my control. Losing her was painful, and it changed me forever. But then, you came into my life like a ray of sunshine. You became the love of my life, my second chance at Love.

Reyhan listens intently, her eyes welling up with tears.

EMIR: (firmly) I can't bear the thought of losing you, Reyhan. Not after all we've been through, not after all the love we share. That's why I can't let you go through with this pregnancy, risking your health and potentially losing you.

EMIR: (resolute) I know, Reyhan. And that's why I've made my final decision. I can't stay here and watch you suffer, unable to do anything. I won't be able to bear the sorrow of losing you, and I can't risk that happening again in my life.

REYHAN: (tearfully) Emir, I understand your concerns, and I appreciate your love and care. But this decision is not just about me; it's about our child too.

Emir nods, his eyes filled with determination.

EMIR: (resolute) I know, Reyhan. And that's why I've made my final decision. I can't stay here and watch you suffer, unable to do anything. I won't be able to bear the sorrow of losing you, and I can't risk that happening again in my life.

With determination, Emir begins to pack his bags and luggage, preparing to leave their home.

REYHAN: (teary-eyed) Emir, where will you go?

EMIR: (firmly) I need to go, Reyhan. You and my mother can continue to maintain the legacy here, but I can't stay and witness your suffering. I love you too much to see you in pain and not be able to do anything about it.

Emir finishes packing and heads towards the door, leaving Reyhan in their room, overwhelmed by his decision. 


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