ONE: A Video Game?

Start from the beginning


As you slumbered peacefully on the couch, the television screen in your living room suddenly flickered to life, the display flashing a mesmerizing mix of colors. Scratch-like sounds began to emanate from the speakers, creating an eerie, unsettling atmosphere.

Moments later, a wisp of smoke began to curl and twist, slowly seeping out from the television. The smoky tendrils danced and swirled, as if possessed by an otherworldly force. Gradually, the smoke thickened, filling the room with its dark, billowing presence.

Unaware of the strange occurrences unfolding around you, you remained lost in the depths of your slumber, the video game controller still clutched in your hands. The smoke, however, seemed to have a mind of its own, as it made its way towards your figure, slowly enveloping you in its dark embrace.

The once-peaceful living room had now transformed into a scene of eerie enchantment, the smoke swirling and pulsating around you. It was as if the very fabric of reality had been distorted, and the boundaries between the physical and the supernatural had become blurred.

As the smoke fully consumed you, a sense of unease and trepidation began to settle in the air. The once-familiar surroundings had taken on an ominous, foreboding quality, hinting at the unseen forces that were now at play.


"Hello, dear player. Please insert name___________."


The robotic voice once again said before a keyboard made of the same material appeared beside it as well. You tried pressing the button of your fist initial but your finger simply went through it. You where dumbfounded for second. Like? How could you type in your name when you can't even touch the keyboard. You back up a bit as you stare deeply at it. Using your brain, you imagined yourself pressing your first initial. You look back at the screen to see the initial you mentally typed-in appearing. You released a small breath of victory. All you had to do was press the button mentally....

After you finished typing in your full name the screen started to load in data.


Hello there, (Y/N) (L/N). Do you wish to play SURVIVAL ?







Hello there, (Y/N) (L/N). Do you wish to play SURVIVAL ?








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