Start from the beginning

'My Lady,' the lady said with a gasp at coming in and meeting her eyes. She instantly lowered her head in a small apologetic now of respect. 'Please forgive me My Lady. I did not realize that you were awake.'

'Oh do come in Hyeera,' she told the lady, 'and stop making everything a hassle.' The lady came in and shut the bedroom door behind her.

'My Lady-' she began.

'I feel conked,' she groused to her with a small sniff.

'I shall go and get you some of my wonder tea. It will help give you renewed vigour.'

'I bet it will. Please quickly serve me some of it.'

'I will be right back,' the maid informed her and left the bedroom. She in turn went to wash her teeth in preparation for the wonder tea. She returned a while later with three maids and what must be breakfast. She came in after a knock and directed the maids on how to set it all after they paid obeisance to her.

After the maids had left, she went to the shelf at the other end of the bedroom and opened a box there. She took out a smaller box and brought it to the breakfast table. She set up a large cup and a spoon and then opened the box with her. She poured liquid after liquids from eight different bottles that were kept in the box. Then, she opened a really small ceramic container and added a spoonful of something red into the tea. Then, she stirred the whole mixture and simply topped it up with warm water.

'Your tea My Lady,' she Sid handing it to her lady who was now sitting at the opposite side of the breakfast table and watching her.

'Thank you,' the lady said and received the cup. She took a spoof the warm liquid and sighed in pleasure. She instantly felt energized.

'This is wonderful for restoring lost vim. How on earth do you make it so?' she asked her.

'It's recipe is a secret of magic, most especially to you. It is what keeps me in business. If I tell it to you, there is a ninety nine percent chance that you will chase me away after exploiting me the moment you can really make it for you will have no other use of me,' she joked. Her lady laughed heartily at her words.

'Keep your secret then,' she urged her as she took another sip of the tea. 'But, there really is magic in this thing. I feel better already.'

'It never fails to awaken your body from inner slumber right?' she asked with a smile while dishing good out for her lady who hadn't yet taken notice unless she would have ordered her to stop on the excuse of her going overboard with serving her. Her lady didn't really liked to be served in the most extreme of ways. But, Hyeera liked to serve her still.

'Hmm,' she said after bringing her cup from her mouth with a nod. 'Who rescued me from the fire?' she asked as Hyeera placed cutlery in her palm. She stared from the silverware to Hyeera and then the already dished food and back to Hyeera with an I can always do it myself look on her face. She looked resigned. Hyeera smiled prettily at her.

'It was my master who did so my lady,' she answered, topping her cup which was almost empty with a new mixture of tea. Her mistress helped herself to the food.

'I see.'

'I shall have maids prepare you a bath. Shall I leave the temperature as always or do you desire a change my lady?' she inquired.

'As always,' she said.

The bath was ready by the time she was done with her food courtesy of the maids who had been going in and out of the bedroom for the past thirty something minutes. Hyeera dismissed the maids from the bathroom and asked them to clear away the breakfast table. She helped herself into the bath and sighed as the water received her. It was until she was done weltering in the now tepid bath that she began to wonder where the emperor had gone. She claimed out of the bath and toweled her body, then stepped into the dressing room where Hyeera helped her into her clothes. She did her hair for her and made to do her makeup when she stopped her. She actually wanted to remain bare for that day. They were all done when she finally asked Hyeera about the emperor's whereabouts.

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