Chapter Thirty Five: Nandini

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My eyes flickered open as I felt immediately felt stinging pain on my arms and face and also the back of my head.

I look around the small room as a few people surrounded me, my eye sight was blurry which didn't help me identify who those were. I recollect what happened in the past hour, I remember being with manik then the lady who needed help, then manik left to get the first aid box and in that time I got hit on the back of my head.

I see the lady who was injured that I was helped. She seemed fine and she had a Band-Aid wrapped around her head.

"Are you okay?" I ask as I try to get up but something holds me back, my weak eyes move towards my hand as I see my hands tied up.

"W-why am I tied up?" I say as my head trembles in pain. "Please let me go"

"I'm sorry beta I had no choice" the lady cries. I was so confused at this point. "T-they said they would  kill my grandson I didn't want to do this. Please I'm sorry. Please make your husband understand." She was pleading to me.

"You kidnapped me? But why?" I ask, I didn't even know her.

"No—I uhm my grandson is only four years old, his parents passed away last year. They said they would kill him, I had no choice I had to act severely injured in front of you"

"Shut the fuck seriously, enough of this drama" I hear a familiar male voice from behind me. My eyes widen as i recall my uncle. Is that him?

"If I find out that you've went out and tried to contact anybody about this I will make sure your grandson dies in front of you"

I get shocked. Manik's mother warned that lady. Both of them were standing behind me. I knew it. They kidnapped me? What must manik be feeling right now? Does he know where I am?

"Take her away!"

I look at the lady, she seemed to helpless and I felt so guilty for not listening to manik but in a way it helped her grandson live. I can't imagine Manik's mother would blackmail to kill a four year old kid like this but again why am I surprised after she tried killing baby aarav and Dhruv who was little as well. Not to mention manik and Cabir who were only teenagers.

"They say that you shouldn't be too nice in the cruel world my sweet daughter in law, look where it's gotten you. Almost near your death" she comes in front of me. I look up at her as I felt the back of my head hurt, even the bruises on my arms.

My uncle and aunty also appeared with her, they seemed visibly happy seeing me like this.

"W-what am I doing here?" I ask.

"Just wanted to spend time with you, obviously manik wasn't going to let me so I had to steal you from him...perhaps forever" her last words cleared all my vision as I looked up at her in shock. "Oh and also your uncle aunty don't want to see you alive"

I look at my uncle and aunty.

"I lost my brother because of you" my aunty spoke "are you happy you traitorous bitch" those words stung me, that's what Vijay uncle called me when he—

"Yes I am, your brother deserved that" my voice stayed low, one thing I learnt from manik and his brothers were not to be scared of anything. I don't care if I was to die today but I didn't want to die crying in front of these people.

"What did you say?" My uncle gritted his teeth.

"I said he deserved it." I say firmly this time and the next thing I knew, his hand raised to slap my cheek hard causing my lip to bleed. I winced as I closed my eyes tightly.

Heal MeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora