Chapter Twenty One: Nandini

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I had finished making pancakes by now as I saw Aarav come downstairs and heading to me, he looked visibly upset and miserable. I felt so bad for him I really hope manik took my words seriously and decided to tell him the truth so he knows.

"Good morning Aarav" I say with a bright smile seeing if I can cheer him up.

"Good morning" he says with a low voice, I took a deep breath. This will be hard.

"I made you pancakes" I say excitedly holding them out to him.

"Nandini you don't have to pretend to be all happy and cheerful with me just because of today morning" he looks at me with a serious face.

I look down "I'm sorry, I'm trying to cheer you up—sad aarav isn't fun" I shrug shoulders.

"What do you expect Nandini? My brothers are treating me like this—they want to lock me up here for reasons they don't feel like I should know" he was started to get mad. I put the spatula away turning of the stove.

"I understand aarav but looking at the positive side they love you and they're protecting you" I look at him. I know it was wrong but I don't want to put any negative thoughts in his mind about his brothers.

"Yeah right" he rolls his eyes "keeping me in the dark from the past 14 years isnt protecting me, I'm tired of all this. I want to see my mother Nandini, I want see her even for once. I get that she's done some bad stuff in the past but don't you think I deserve the closure?"

He does deserve it and he is right.

"You do" I nod to that

"Thank you understanding me. Can you please please talk to manik. I really want to see her Nandini, it's mentally straining me not knowing or seeing her ever"

Me talk to manik? I mean I already have about telling him the truth but now he wants to see his mother I don't know how that will go with manik.

"I don't know if—"

"Please Nandini please? He will listen to you and Cabir might listen to him. Even if it's just the last time ever I want to see her and get a closure" he requests pleading on to me.

"Okay I'll talk to manik" I agree on to it, although I don't know if that'll be a good idea.

"Thank you thank you" there was a smile on his face as he pulls me for a hug randomly, I hug him back and seeing that smile again on his face made me happy.

"Aarav your mood swings are shocking" Dhruv says as he enters, manik and Cabir were also with him. Aarav let go of me and looked at them but he didn't seem too happy.

"My good side is only for nandini, I am not forgetting what you guys have done" he says with a miffed expression.

"Stop being fucking dramatic okay!" Cabir was still angry "our mother is someone you don't want to know. She was crazy, she tried to kill all of us and you're here sulking about her."

What?! She tried to kill them, I mean that's their own mother why and how? I couldn't help but wonder.

My eyes meet Manik's who was already looking at me, his eyes were cold. I know he never liked hearing about his mother or even talking about it.

"Maybe she didn't mean to" aarav says

Dhruv scoffed "dude shut up, she was well in her senses aarav. If Cabir didn't save us that night maybe me and manik wouldn't be here today so get that in your head she's evil"

"But I've heard that our father used to mistreat her, I mean she was a victim too!" Aarav snaps back.

"You don't know anything about it, she wanted us dead just because we were our fathers if you don't think that's fucking crazy and psychotic—"

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