"I'm good at stealing! I can do it with Robin" proposed Nami, and the other woman smiled with a nod.

"All right. Once you free the King, I will call for Luffy-kun's help.  And once Luffy-kun emerges gallantly, out of Megalo's body, people will notice that Luffy-kun and I are working together. Princess-sama, you wait somewhere completely safe outside of the plaza. And after we pass you the letter, flee with the freed King and the Princes. Meanwhile, the rest of you, get to the Ryugu Place now and save your friends. And then, hurry to the plaza with them. Now - about how to rescue your friends in the Ryugu Palace...Figure out yourself!"

"YOU DON'T CARE ABOUT US, DO YOU?!" snapped Sanji.

"Okay! Super count on it!" Franky struck his pose. "We have the Sunny! We'll figure it out!"

"Once this is all set into motion, how do you think the citizens will respond?"

"Both the citizens of the Fishman Island and the outlaws of the Fishman District respect Jimbei-san" answered Hachi.

"Uh-huh. So if they find out that Boss trusts Luffy-chin with his life, to save the King, they'll root for you, Luffy-chin!" smiled Caimie.

"Hm...." Luffy said, looking unsure about the plan because he couldn't act freely on his own. "I am only doing this because you asked me to, Jimbei! It's uncomfortable having everybody cheer me on."

"I'd fight the king of the devils himself if the Mermaids-chan cheered for me!" cried passionately the chef.

"Thank you!" said Jimbei, bowing his head.

"That settles it" mused Robin.

"Though I have a suggestion as well." Yukiko spoke up getting their attention.

"If the citizens were to see the original gods of Fishman Island helping, would they realize we are on the King's side?" Yukiko asked.

"The original...?" Jinbei asked, then Yukiko's Pokeballs opened to reveal 4 certain Pokémon....surprising Jinbei.

Seeing their determination, Jinbei agreed.

As Ace, Alina, and Lillian were coming along, they wanted to fight as well.

And it was only when Luffy noticed the older purplette.

"By the way, who are you?"

"My name's Lillian, I'm your aunt and your mom's sister. I'll explain about her after this whole mess is settled, but right now we got an execution to crash." She smiled, ignoring the surprised looks of the crew.

"Ah, okay." Luffy said simply, although he was surprised that this woman was his aunt.

In the nick of time, The Sunny fired a large beam behind where stood the king and the princes. The strength and power used in this blast propelled the fishmen close to it in the air with the debris and smoke. The whale took this diversion to pull the royal family on its back, soaring away from the fight. The ship landed next to Shirahoshi and Megalo, with Jimbei chained down on the ground.

"Wow! Look how many people there are!" said Chopper in his full reindeer form.

"Oh no, are they all our enemies?!" cried out in panic Usopp, looking over the edge of the ship at the crowd of fishmen gathered in the plaza.

"I think so. It looks like there are 70,000 or 80,000...No, 100,000 of them, maybe" stated Sanji.

"Yohohoho! That's a little tough!"

"But nothing we can't handle." Yukiko said.


"You can go take a nap or something if you want. I'll take care of them" said cockily Zoro with a smirk.

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