Ep 128: It Hurts!

Start from the beginning

Doğan notices Reyhan's troubled state and reaches out to touch her hand gently.

Reyhan, are you alright? I didn't mean to upset you.

Reyhan pulls her hand away gently, trying to compose herself.

(forcing a smile)
I'm fine, Doğan. Thank you for your concern. I think I need to get back to work now.

Doğan nods, understanding her need for space.

Of course, Reyhan. If you ever want to talk, you know where to find me.

Reyhan gives him a small nod and a faint smile before gathering her things and heading back to her cabin, her mind filled with the unsettling image she just saw. Doğan watches her go, a pensive look on his face, perhaps considering the impact of the information he just shared.

Doğan smirks to himself, pleased with the discord he's sown, his satisfaction evident in his expressions. He takes a moment to relish the feeling of having unsettled Emir and Reyhan's relationship. His eyes glint with a sense of accomplishment as he continues to nurse his grudge against Emir.

(muttering to himself)
This is just the beginning, Emir. I'll make sure your world crumbles, piece by piece.

He leans back in his chair, plotting his next move as he continues to bask in his wicked satisfaction.



Emir was engrossed in his work when the door to his office suddenly swung open. Startled, he looked up and a smile spread across his face as Seher entered.

Ohhh..Seher it's you.

Well I know you weren't expecting me to be here..But I'm here.

Emir laughing at her little joke.

Seher, you better work on your jokes.

Well, mine are atleast better than yours..ohh I got something for you.

Emir chuckled as Seher placed a package on his desk. He watched with curiosity as she unwrapped it and revealed an ice cream container.

Ice cream, a token of appreciation for a friend who's always been there for me.

Thank you, Seher. You really didn't have to do this.

They both grabbed spoons and began enjoying the ice cream. However, just as they were savoring the treat, a dollop of ice cream slipped from the spoon and splattered onto Emir's white shirt.

(in dismay)
Oh, my shirt...

Seher immediately set her ice cream container aside and rushed to inspect the stain on Emir's shirt, concern in her eyes.

I'm so sorry, Emir. Let me help you clean that up.

It's alright, Seher. It's just a shirt.

She grabs a wet tissue from the desk and gently begins to dab at the stain on Emir's shirt.

As Seher begins to gently wipe the stain on Emir's shirt, she can't help but feel a sense of warmth and closeness between them. Her heart flutters, and she blushes as she gazes at Emir, who appears somewhat uncomfortable and awkward, his gaze directed elsewhere. Seher continues to stand close to Emir, sharing a moment that feels heavenly to her.

Unbeknownst to them, Reyhan, standing outside the cabin, observes the scene through the window. Tears begin to well up in her eyes as she witnesses Seher's proximity to Emir, feeling the growing distance between her and the man she loves. She could see it any longer so she walked away.

(clearing his throat)
Thank you, Seher. You didn't have to do this.

He quickly steps back, trying to regain his composure.

(smiling softly)
It's the least I could do for you, Emir.

Emir, with a tense expression, turns away from Seher. Seher notices his unease and, concerned, asks him about it.

Emir, you seem off these days. Is everything alright?

Emir, while returning to his chair, offers a vague response:

It's just work-related issues, Seher. Don't worry about it.

Seher, persistent, knows something is amiss.

Emir, you can't hide things from me. You know that, right?

Emir remains silent, struggling with the weight of his emotions.

Seher continues, expressing her concerns:

I don't know if I should say this, but have you noticed that Doğan and Reyhan are meeting more often than usual?

Emir looks at her, puzzled by her question.

I mean, it doesn't seem normal. You know what kind of person Doğan is, Emir.

Emir's face tightens, and he replies bitterly.

I don't care anymore. Let her do whatever she wants.

Emir, Reyhan is your partner. You can't just ignore this.

Emir, with a mixture of frustration and sadness, as he said

(Shouted in frustration)
She wants to get separated from me Seher, and I'm the fool who can't let go of her.

Seher watches Emir, realizing the complexity of the situation and the pain he is going through.

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