Chapter 47

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3 Months Later 

Emily POV

"Stop it!" I told Niall as he decided to attach my side. 

It's been 3 months since I've been pregnant and every month I have a doctor's appointment to check if the baby is healthy and if she is fine. Niall comes with me for most of these appointments but sometimes he has been busy with meetings and stuff. Lately, he has been busy with rehearsals because he has these festivals coming up in the summer. Sometimes he would come to these doctor's appointments or sometimes I would go with Megan because she wanted to know how her niece was doing. 

Niall and I were just having our alone time on the bed watching one of my favorite Disney movies Alvin and The Chipmunks. It's my favorite Disney/cartoon movie and I let Niall watch it with me. Niall still hates them but he would watch them with me but not alone. We have told everyone about our pregnancy, especially Niall's mum. She is excited that she gets to be a grandmother again which I found it cute that she gets excited that she wants another grandchild even though she has 2 already. 

Once the movie was over Niall and I were talking about the baby. We were talking about what the baby is going to look like and we were coming up with names for the baby also. We had come up with some of them and they were some that we really like to call our baby. Then Niall talked about if the baby could feel anything when he put his hand on my stomach but I told him I didn't know because generally, I don't know if she can feel them. Next thing I knew Niall was attacking my side to make me laugh. I don't know if he wants me to bring out my ugly laugh or hear our little girl laugh inside of me. 

"Tell me if she can feel my tickles" he said and now I'm dying of laughter

I could feel tears coming out of my eyes. 

"I don't know. Stop tickling me' I said in between laughs

"But I want to see if she could hear it" he said as he continued to tickle me to death 

"Like I said. I don't know Ni. Ow" I said and he stopped tickling me and looked at me 

"Are you okay? Is she okay?" Niall asked me 

"Gotcha!" I told him 

"Oh no. What's happening?" Niall asked as he lay down on the bed 

I giggled and got on top of him and tickled his armpits since he was ticklish over there. He let out his beautiful laugh while I was tickling him. 

"This is what you get for tickling me" I told him 

He grabbed my hands to stop me from tickling him and I pouted at him. 

"You can't tickle me" he said 

"Why? You always tickle me. I can't tickle you?" I asked him 

"Nope" he said 

"Hey that's not fair" I told him 

"That's so fair" he said 

He wrapped his arms around me and pulled me down to his chest. Even though I'm 3 months pregnant my belly is not that big. Dr. May said my belly would get bigger at the 5 or 6-month mark but now my belly is tiny and Niall could still hug me and I could still lay down on his chest. I put my head on his chest and he kissed my head. We lay here for a bit until I heard Niall's stomach growl. I looked at him and he blushed a little. 

"Hungry?" I asked him 

"Little bit. Do you want to cook dinner or get take out?" he asked 

"Get take out" I told him as I got off of him and he sat up 

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