Chapter 11

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Emily POV

"We brought food" Niall said as we walked into Megan's house

"Finally. I'm starving. I need food" Megan said as she walked towards us

Niall pulled the bag away from her and she looked at him.

"Who do you need? The food or us?" Niall asked her

"You guys and the food" she said and Niall gave her food

"Correct answer" Niall told her and I chuckled and gave her coffee

We went to the living room. I was about to seat on the couch but Niall stopped me. He sat down and pulled me onto his lap. I smiled at him and he kissed my cheek.

"I can't believe you guys are dating but I'm still mad at you" Megan said as she pointed at Niall and Niall put his hand up defence and he looked at her

"Why are you mad at me? What did I do?" Niall asked her and I giggled

"You're going to keep her for 2 or 3 months" Megan told him

"It's only 3 months and then you can have her back" he said and I slapped his chest "Ow. Why am I getting bullied?" he asked

"You don't want me?" I asked him with a pout

He chuckled and kissed my lips.

"I was joking you know I want you" Niall told me as he pulled away

"Nope. You said you don't want me. I'm going to seat beside Megan" I told him

I got up from his lap and I sat the other side of Megan. She wrapped her arms around my neck and she kissed my cheek jokingly to make Niall jealous.

"Yes she's mine now. Now I'm going to keep her" Megan said and I giggled

I smiled and kissed her cheek.

"Oh, great. I'm alone again" Niall said and I just shook my head at his silliness

"But in all seriousness I'm going to miss you two" she said

"You know I was not going to tell you this but you can visit us in tour" I told her and her eyes lit up like a Christmas tree

"Really? But, I'm broke and I don't have any money" she said

"I can arrange something for you" Niall told her

"Niall, I can't let you do that" she told him

"I want to and besides I know this one is going to miss you. Look, she's moving away from me" Niall said

"Hey, you said you don't want me. That's why I came here" I told him

"I was joking. You know I want you all the time" he told me and I blushed a little

"Someone is blushing. Now tell me who do you like more me or him?" Megan asked me and I looked at Niall to see he is giving me the pout

"You know I like you two equally" I told her

"Fine that's a good answer. You guys still didn't tell the fans yet?" Megan asked

"Nope because she wants to have a private relationship which I get because I know she will get some hate but I know she won't get because she looks beautiful but I respect her decision and decided to keep it private too" Niall said

"How are you going to keep it private for tour? You know the fans will recognize you have a girlfriend right away. Trust me, I was one of them" Megan said as she ate her breakfast sandwich

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