Chapter 15

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Emily POV

Today has been a sunny day in Atlanta, it has been rainy and gloomy for the past few days here and I'm glad we have a warm weather today so Niall and I could go to out for our date. We just finished eating breakfast at this cute brunch place and now Niall is taking me to our date. He rented a car so he could drive around town without the van he uses and his driver. I have been begging Niall for the past few house to tell me where are we going but he won't budge at all. I tried to whine and give him the puppy dog eyes that I know he can't resist but nothing was working.

I can't believe I kind of had a sex talk with Niall this morning and I can't believe I said would do it with him if I'm a good mood. Which I am. It's a beautiful day and we are going to a nice date. Also, what he did this morning to make me to kiss him, it felt and it felt amazing. I like it when his hand roam around my body even tho it tickled me a little bit but it was nice.

I thought I would talk about this about to Megan. I tell everything about Niall and I and Niall doesn't mind actually. He knows she's like my sister and I tell her everything. I need to tell Megan on what we talked about this morning. I had my phone in my hands so I unlocked it. I went to messages and found Megan.

Emily: you busy?

Megan: no. What's up?

Emily: I might've talked about sex with Niall

Megan: what do you mean? You wouldn't have talked about sex with me. You've be disgusted about that idea

That's true she is right. Whenever someone talks about sex in front of me or talks about tmi stuff I get disgusted like really disgusted.

Emily: I know but this one is different. I want to do it with him

Megan: Really? What changed your mind?

Emily: I don't know I want to have the experience and also I love this man with my whole heart. I don't know how to describe it. He is my first love and he is my everything. He treats me so well like princess and no other guy has done that. I don't know Megan I'm falling for him and I don't want to lose him

"You're typing a lot over there. Who are you talking to?" Niall asked

I looked up to see we have stopped at a red light and I looked at Niall who is trying to look at my phone but I don't want him to see because I just poured my heart to Megan about him.

"I'm talking to Megan and you can't see mister" I told him and he pouted

"And why not?" he asked

"Because it's private conversation" I told him

"Fine, I know you will tell me about it later" he said and I chuckled as he drove

"Maybe" I told him

"Tell her I said hi by the way" he said

"I will" I told him

Megan: aww my sister has grown up and she found her first love. I'm proud of Emily. You have a heart and you're showing it towards me. I think you should tell him and do it tonight with him if you feel like it

Emily: I want to tell him but I'm so afraid he has been doing these things for loving me but I don't know what I have been doing to him to love him back. I'll think about it. Thanks Megan and also Niall says hi

Megan: tell him I said hi too and I miss you guys

"Megan says she says hi and she misses us" I told Niall

"Aww isn't she sweet. Tell her I miss her too. By the way we are here" Niall said

I looked out the window to see we are at a beautiful scenery and there's no people here. There's lot of trees and grass. Also, there are some water and some yacht.

"Do you know what we are going to do today?" Niall asked me and I looked back at him

"No" I told him and he chuckled

"We are going on a boat. We can swim and I brought a picnic basket so we could have lunch" he said

"Niall, you planned all of this for today?" I asked him and he nodded

"Just for us" he said with a smile on his face

"I love you. Did you know that?" I asked him and he chuckled

"I love you more beautiful." he said and kissed my lips to make me smile "Shall we go onto the boat?" Niall asked

"Yes, but one more peak?" I asked him and pointed my lips

He chuckled and kissed me once more on the lips. Once he kissed me we got out of the car and he opened the trunk. I grabbed my bag with our stuff in it and he grabbed the picnic basket. We walked hand in hand but I don't know if anyone's going to watch us so I tried to pull my hand away from Niall but he won't let me.

"Don't worry no one can watch us. I booked this place just for us. Just relax" he said as he kissed the side of my head and I nodded

I held his hand as we walked to a both. There's an old man over there and I guess he is in charge of this place Niall let go of my hand and he went to talk to him. While Niall was talking to the man I wasn't listening to their conversation. I was looking at Niall, he looks so handsome today. He is wearing a pair of white shorts with a black tank top. He knows when he wears tank top what it does to me. I haven't changed into my bikini yet because we went for lunch and I didn't want to wear at the restaurant.

Niall walked over to me with the keys in his hands.

"You got the keys?" I asked him

"Yeah, let's go" he said

We walked over to the yacht and got on and Niall helped me to get on.

"Thank you" I told him shyly and he chuckled

"You're welcome beautiful" he said and kissed my cheek "You can change downstairs. I need take a look at the boat for a second" he said

"Okay. Kiss?" I asked him

He chuckled and kissed my lips.

"Thanks. Also, no one can see us right?" I asked him

"I promise no one will find us now go put on your sexy bikini on" Niall told me as he pulled me into a hug and slapped my bum to make me squeal

"Niall" I told him as I let go of him and he just smirked

This yacht is big so there's a private room downstairs where we can change and hangout. That's what I did I went to the private lounge and changed into my bikini.

Author Note: I hope you enjoy this chapter.

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