Chapter 7

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Emily POV

We just arrived at a grey building. Niall parked his car and we both got out of the car. We went inside and I guess Niall knows everybody because when we came inside Niall gave everyone a hug or shook their hands. There was a girl with a clipboard and Niall gave her a hug.

"Hi Tara, is Matt here?" Niall asked her

"Yes he is. Who is this Niall?" Tara asked

"This is my friend Emily. Emily this is Tara my annoying assistant" he said as he rolled his eyes

"Hey. You'll be lost without me" Tara said as she flicked his forehead and I giggled "You look pretty" Tara told me and Niall rubbed the spot where she flicked him

"Thank you. You don't look bad yourself" I told her

"Oh thank you" she said

"Ow. Em, she just hit me. Are you going to say something?" Niall asked me and I giggled and Tara smiled at us

"You deserve it. You called her annoying" I told him

"Finally. Someone is in my side" Tara said and we both high fived each other

"I can't believe I introduced you two. Come on Em" Niall said and I waved goodbye to Tara and went with Niall

I don't know why but something in my stomach was doing something when he just called me a friend. Like I told Megan. He just wanted to be friends with and nothing else.


Niall POV

Why did I say that? Okay, I will admit I like Emily more than as a friend but I don't have to guts to tell her. Every time I asked a girl out they will always reject and I just don't want Emily to reject me. Emily is nice and beautiful girl. I really like her even tho she's a fan she knows the better in me and tells me stuff that I didn't know before. She makes me laugh and smile and that's all I need from a girlfriend. I looked at Emily who has her hands shoved in her pocket while we are walking to Matt's room.

"You didn't save me from Tara" I told her

She looked at me and giggled. Let me tell you she has the most adorable giggles ever and she looks adorable right now. She is wearing a pair of jeans and red top.

"Because you deserve that flick on the head" she said

"I do not. I didn't do anything to her" I told her

"Yes, you did. You called her annoying" she said and tried to flick my on my forehead but I stopped by holding her hands

"What are you doing?" I asked her

"Let me flick you on the forehead" she said and trying to do it but I didn't let her

I just wrapped my arms around her and hugged her so she can't flick my forehead.

"I hate it when you do this" she said and I chuckled

"Do what?" I asked her as we walked to Matt's door

"Hug me when I try to flick you or do anything to you because I can't do anything now" she said and I chuckled

As we approached to Matt's door I knocked on the door still holding Emily in my arms and she tried everything to get out but I'm stronger than her. Matt opened the door and was confused on this situation. He crossed his arms and looked at me with a look that I'm trouble or something.

"Niall mate, leave the girl alone" Matt said and I groaned

"Fine, but you ain't flicking my forehead" I told Emily as I let her go

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