Chapter 38

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Emily POV

"How do I look?" Niall asked me but I wasn't paying attention to him. I was just scrolling through TikTok on my phone

"You look amazing" I told Niall

"You didn't even look" Niall said with a whine

I smiled and looked at him. He is wearing a pair of white pants with a black button t-shirt. We are in London and Niall has a show today but Niall has a photoshoot before the show. It's for a magazine cover and I decided to tag along with Niall. Also, I need to take some behind the scenes footage of Niall for this photoshoot so that's why I came with him.

"Like I said before, you look amazing" I told him as he walked over to me and sat beside me

"Just amazing or handsome too?" he asked

"Will you still love me if I say both?" I asked him and he pretended to think about it "Niall" I said as I slapped his arm lightly

"You know I was just joking. I will still love if you said both" he said as he put his arms around me but I moved away from him to make him pout "Why?" he asked me but I didn't respond and that's when Tara walked towards us

"What's happening here and why is Niall pouting?" Tara asked as she sat beside me and I smiled at her

"Because this one won't talk to me. Apparently she's mad at me" Niall said and Tara looked at me

"Why are you mad at him?" Tara asked me

Instead saying it out loud. I went to the notes app on my phone and typed it in for her.

"Oh" she said as she read the note and then looked at Niall "Niall you're mean" Tara said and I hid my giggle because I want Niall to know I mad at him

"What did I do?" Niall asked

"Why were you pretending to think about it you will love her if she says that you were both amazing and handsome?" Tara asked Niall and I looked at him

"I was just joking and you know it" Niall said

I chuckled slide over to him. He didn't even look at me. So, I kissed his cheek but he didn't smile.

"I'm sorry. I knew you pretending to think about it. Do you forgive me?" I asked him and he looked at me

"I might forgive you. If you give me another kiss on the cheek" he said cheekily

I giggled and kissed his cheek again.

"Do it again" he said excitedly

I laughed because he does this every time I kiss his cheek. He gets so excited and it's adorable. I was about to kiss his cheek one more time but he turned his head so kiss my lips to make me giggle because I didn't know he was going to do that.

"See, I should've be a couple therapist because you two are happy now" Tara said and I looked at her

"You know I was pretending to be mad at him right?" I asked her

"Wait. You were pretending to be mad at me. I thought you were actually mad at me" Niall exclaimed and I giggled

"Sorry, did I hurt your feelings" I told him

"Yes you did. I know what will make me happy" he said

"What?" I asked him and he smiled at me

"Maybe a kiss" he said

I chuckled and gave him a kiss.

"See like I said I'm a couples therapist" Tara said and I chuckled

"Yes you are Tara" I told her

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