Chapter 28

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Niall POV

Since it's November it has been gloomy and rainy every day. That's how London is in this month. Rainy and gloomy weather. I just got out of the studio and once I got out I looked up at the clouds to see it's dark. It's going to thunderstorm soon. It's not evening either, the time is 4 in the afternoon. I got to my car and checked the weather to see it's going to thunderstorm today. Emily hates thunderstorms. She is like a little kid and she wants be held during thunderstorms which I don't mind cuddling. I will cuddle her and for distracting I will say sweet things to make her smile or blush. Oh, I love how I make that girl blush.

I was driving through traffic and I could see outside of my window to see it's pouring down and I could hear thunder. Emily might be shitting herself right now while she hears these thunders. I grabbed my phone and decided to call Emily to see if she's alright. I called her and after a few rings she picked up the phone.

"Hello" she said

"Hi pretty girl. How are you doing over there?" I asked her with a smile on my face

"I'm scared Ni" she said above whisper

"I know you are baby girl. Since it's raining I'm stuck in traffic. I'll be home in a few okay" I told her

"Okay. But come quick I need you" she said

Aww, my petal must be really scared. I want to be with her but this stupid traffic would go any faster.

"I know you do. I will come home and cuddle with you and give you a lot of kisses okay" I told her and I could tell she's smiling when I told her that

"Okay. I love you Niall" she said

"I love you more beautiful. Do you want me to stay on the line with you?" I asked her

"Yes please" she said and I chuckled

"Okay baby girl" I told her

I talked with her to keep her mind off from the thunder but every time she heard thunder she will scream. I always try to calm her down by telling her cheeky stuff to make her giggle or I would do some sweet talk to get her calm down.

"Hey pretty girl" I said

"Yeah" she said

"Oh you know you're pretty don't you that's why you answered back" I told her and she giggled

Oh god. I love hearing that giggle.

"Niall. I only answered you because you called me" she said

"What if I called another girl pretty? What will you do?" I asked her jokingly but I really want to know the answer

"I will not be talking to you then" she said as I turned to our road

"Oh really?" I asked her

"Yeah. I won't talk to you and kiss you" she said

"You know I can't leave without your kisses. You know I need them. You can't do this to me petal" I told her

"Yes I can. Why can't I do this because you can't live without my kisses?" she asked

"Yes I can't live without your kisses. I'm about 5 minutes away. Can I hang up the phone?" I asked her

"Yeah but come in quick okay Niall" she said

"I will. Don't worry. I'll see you in 5 minutes okay" I told her

"Okay bye Ni" she said

"Bye petal" I told her and hung up the phone

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