Chapter 45

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(Author Note: Not gonna lie I think I missed their anniversary but I'm going to dedicate this chapter to their anniversary and by the way they are back in London).

Emily POV

Today is Niall's and I's anniversary, I'm excited for today because we are going to spend the rest of the evening together. Niall has a meeting this afternoon so he went to the meeting while I was watching YouTube on my phone. It's only 4 in the afternoon and I decided to get ready at 5. While I was watching my Youtube videos I got a call from Megan. I picked it up and put the phone on speaker.

"Hello" I said

"Hi. How are you?" Megan asked

"I'm good. How are you?" I asked her

"I'm good. I haven't talked to you since your Cabo trip. How was it?" Megan asked

"It has been good. We had a good time together. We explored the city and I took Niall on a date" I told him

"Oh really? How was the date?" she asked

"It was good. We went to this cute little restaurant that's beside the beach. We ate and talked" I told him

"Oh that must be cute" she said

"Yeah it is. Speaking of dates, what about yours? How was your date?" I asked her

"It was good. We have so many things in common. I really like him" she said and I smiled

"That's good you like him and you guys have a lot of things in common. Did you guys kiss?" I asked her

"Maybe. He was so good. He was gentle while he was kissing me. He was going to take it far since we were at his house but I told him I was not ready and he understood." she said

"Oh that's good. Do you want to do it with him?" I asked her

"I do but not know since we just met. Also, I want to do it after we get married but someone did it before she got married" Megan said and she was talking about me

"Yes I did but I love him that's why I did it and I just want to see how it feels like and it hurts" I told her and she giggled

"Yeah you told me. It hurts the next day right?" she asked

"Yeah it will hurt for a couple of hours but then you will be okay" I told her

"Okay. By the way, happy anniversary. What are you guys going to do today?" Megan asked me and I smiled

"Thank you and I don't know. Apparently, he has this planned out" I told Megan

"He didn't tell you?" she asked

"No, he wants it to be surprise" I told her

"Oh okay. Where is he now?" she asked

"In a meeting. Someone called him this morning while we were in bed and he had to go to a meeting" I told her

"Oh that's good" she said

"Yes it is" I told him

Megan and I talked for a while until it was 5. Megan and I will talk a lot and sometimes Niall will get annoyed but I like this girl so much. That's why I want to talk to her for so long and have some girl talk with her. We finished our conversation and I went upstairs to get ready. Since we are in London and it's still cold. Niall told me to wear something casual today, I decided to wear this.

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