Chapter 10

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A few weeks later

Tour starting

Emily POV

"Turn it off" I told Niall as I heard his alarm

It's been a few weeks since I told Niall that I like him. I'm so glad he likes me. Now we officially become boyfriend and girlfriend when he asked me to move in with him.


"Move in with me" Niall said and I looked at him

"You want me to do what?" I asked him

We are at my house and we are cuddling on the couch while watching a movie. Now Niall just popped the question do you want to move in with me? What the heck?

"I want you to move in with me" he said

"Well, I can't move in with you if I'm your girlfriend" I said jokingly and he pulled me into his lap jokingly and I giggled

"Okay, then be my girlfriend?" he asked and I looked at him

"You're not being serious right. You must be joking" I told him

"Think about it Em. We hangout the whole entire week together since we started dating. We do kiss a lot and I thought every fan girl dream is for me to ask them if they want to be my girlfriend" he said

"So, there other girls you've been dating after me" I told him and he chuckled

"No, I'm only dating you. I only want you. You're beautiful funny, and talented with your ideas that you come up for my career that I thought I wouldn't come up with. You make me laugh and smile. That's all I want from a girlfriend. So, what do you say?" he asked

"I don't know. You need to prove to me that you like me and that you want me to prove if I'm good girlfriend or not" I told him

"Okay. How do I prove to you?" he asked and I pointed my lips and he chuckled

He kissed my lips multiple times to make me giggle.

"Be my girlfriend please and make me the happiest man alive" he said in between kisses to make me giggle and I held his face to make him to stop

"Okay. I will be your girlfriend and I will leave with you" I told him and his eyes lit up like a Christmas tree

"Really?" he asked

"Yes because I like you" I told him

"Oh yeah. I like you too you crazy" he said and gave me a passionate kiss to make me smile

I can't believe it he is my boyfriend. This is the best day ever.


Flashback over

From that day we are boyfriend and girlfriend and I moved in with him. Not gonna lie, I've been so happy while being with Niall. I never been this happy with a man in my life. He does these weird things to make me happy and he tells me sweet things when I'm feeling down or something.

"Wake up sleeping beauty. Tour starts today" Niall said as he tried to wake me up and playing with my hair

I love it when he plays with my hair. It calms me down in some way.

"Technically tour starts day after tomorrow so more sleep for me" I told him and he chuckled

"No more sleep for you. We have a plane to catch" he said as he kissed my cheek to wake me up but it was not working "Come on wake up babe" he said

"Nope. I'm sleepy" I told him

"Okay, if you don't get up then I'll have to get you up at some point" he said

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