Chapter 30

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Emily POV

"Ready?" Niall asked when the doorbell rang

"Ready as I ever be" I told him

"Don't be nervous. Just be yourself. Tara is going to be here too. You guys can talk with the girls" Niall said and I nodded

"I might be nervous. I think I need a kiss" I told him

"You need a kiss? I'm coming" he said

I giggled as he ran over to me and peak me on the lips to make me giggle.

"Can I kick them out and have you all by myself? I can't kiss you while they are and you know I love to kiss you" he

I blushed and giggled when he said that.

"Niall just go open the door" I told him

"Fine" he said

He gave me another kiss and then went to open the door. Today I'm going to be meeting Niall's LA friends and not gonna lie I'm little bit nervous actually a lot nervous because these friends are his celebrity friends. I never met them before and this is my first time meeting them in person. Julia Micheals, Ashe and Shawn Mendes are coming to hangout with us plus Tara. Niall is going to have a bbq party with all of them. I'm excited and nervous.

Niall opened the door and Julia Micheals, Ashe and Shawn Mendes walked in. Let me tell you I'm a big fan of Shawn Mendes and seeing in person is a dream of mine and today that dream came true.

"Emily, it's not to see you again" Tara said as she hugged me

I smiled and hugged her back.

"Yeah it's been so long. How are you?" I asked her as I let go of her hug and hugged Julia and Ashe

"I'm good. After tour we never hangout. Why?" Tara asked and I giggled

"Blame him" I told her as I pointed at Niall who is hugging Shawn then we all walked to the living room

"Niall I'm blaming you" Tara said

"What did I do?" Niall asked

"After tour Emily and I never hangout so I'm blaming it on you" Tara told him

"Well, she is my girlfriend so she has to say with me" Niall said as I hugged Shawn while I'm freaking out in the inside

"Well technically I'm your girlfriend but I don't need to be with all the time" I told Niall

"Do you want to say that again love?" he asked with a smirk on his face as he looked at me

"I said i love you" I told him and he chuckled

"I love you too petal" he said and I smiled

"I don't know if you know me but I'm Shawn" Shawn said and I looked at Shawn

Oh I know who you are. I said in my head.

"Man, she knows who you are. She's a fan of you" Niall said as he sat down beside Julia on the couch and I playfully glared at him "What? He has to know but he already knows because I told him" Niall said as if it's a no big deal

"Yeah he talks about you a lot. You need to meet her man. She is the love of my life and she's so beautiful" Shawn said as he imitated Niall's accent and I looked over at Niall who is blushing

"I did not say that" Niall said try to cover himself

"Yes you did. Trust me he said that in all of our group chats and he is right you're beautiful" Julia said

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