Chapter 24

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September 13 2023

Niall's Birthday

Emily POV

"I hear children" Niall mumbled

I hear children too. I thought. I opened my eyes to see Theo sitting on Niall's back since Niall was facing the pillow and sleeping and Mia was sitting up straight while playing with her toy. Mia is one and a half years old and I can't believe she could able to sit upright without no one holding her. 

"Good morning" I told Theo 

"Good morning. It's uncle Niall's birthday" Theo said and I smiled at him 

"Yes it is. Do you want to say happy birthday to him?" I asked him and he nodded "How should we wake him up?" I asked him 

"Tickle" Theo said with a smile on his face and I smiled at him 

"Yes we should. Mia come and help us" I told her as I sat up on the bed and grabbed Mia gently and she smiled at me 

I thought she would cry because a new person is holding her but she's a calm baby. Maybe she likes to be held. 

"Ready?" I asked Theo and he nodded

"Ready" Theo said 

"Get him" I told him and we all 'tickled' Niall at the same time and he woke up laughing 

Theo almost fell off the bed but I helped him to fall on the bed and not on the floor. 

"Okay. Okay. I'm up" Niall said while laughing and we all stopped tickling him 

"Happy Birthday uncle Niall" Theo said and Niall smiled at him as he picked up Mia 

He laid his back on the bed and he put Mia on his stomach. She looked at him and played with her toys. I smiled at her when she turned to me. 

"Thank you bud. When did you come?" Niall asked me

"This morning" Theo said and Niall nodded then Niall looked at me with a smile on his face

"Is there anything you want to say to me?" Niall asked me and I moved closer to him not squeezing Theo since he was right between us 

"No. It's not someone's birthday right?" I asked him and he chuckled

"It's uncle Niall's birthday. Did you not know that?" Theo asked and I couldn't help but laugh 

"Yeah Emily didn't you know that it's uncle Niall's birthday" Niall said as he tried to imitate Theo's voice as he was playing with Mia 

"Yes I do. Happy Birthday Ni" I told him 

"Thank you. Kiss?" he asked

I smiled and leaned to kiss him but we both kissed someone's hand. I opened my eyes to see little Mia's hand blocking our kiss. 

"Looks like someone doesn't want us to kiss" Niall said as he looked at Mia who was giggling "Oh yeah. You don't want me to kiss another girl expect you?" he asked her as he tickled her to make her laugh

Oh god, she has the cutest giggles ever. Niall kissed her cheek a few times to make her laugh harder. I looked at Mia and her face was all red from Niall's tickling and kisses. 

"Niall leave her alone and let her breathe" I told him 

"Fine. But this one didn't let us kiss" Niall said as he stopped tickling Mia 

"I'll kiss you later" I told him and he had the biggest smile on his face to make me giggle then he leaned over to me and whispered into my ear

"And maybe something else" he whispered in my ear to make me shiver a bit 

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