Chapter 42

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One Week Later

Emily POV

We are in London but today we are leaving to go to Cabo. I'm so excited for this trip. Niall and I planned everything out for what we are going to do for this trip and I'm excited. But today I was woken up by Niall's alarm. I still hate early mornings but we book our flight early because of the fans. We want to go to security without anyone noticing us.

"Turn it off" I told him

He chuckled and turned off the alarm. Even though this whole tour I have been waking up early to follow Niall everywhere but I still don't like waking up early mornings.

"Good morning sleepyhead" Niall said

"I'm not awake. I'm still asleep" I told him

"It's only 7:30. I'll let you sleep in but I will wake you up when I'm done okay" Niall told me

I opened my eyes to look at him and he smiled at me.

"Why are you always so good towards me?" I asked him and he chuckled

"Are you asking me that because I'm letting you sleep in?" he asked me

"Maybe. But can we cuddle a bit before you getting out of this bed" I told him

"Let me think about it" he said as he pretended to think about it

"Niall" I whined

"I'm joking. You know I love to cuddle with you until you fall asleep" he said

"Are you sure about that?" I asked him

"Yes I'm sure about that. Now go to sleep. I'm going to be here with you" he said

"To make sure you're with me. I'm going to do this" I told him and laid my head on his chest

"I don't mind that. Is it comfortable for you?" he asked

"Maybe" I told him

I could tell he was smiling while kissing my head.

"I love you" he said

"I love you too. Now let me sleep" I told him and he laughed

I smiled and went to sleep.


After Niall took his shower he woke me up. I went to the shower to get ready. Once I got ready I got out of the bathroom to make sure I got everything. I grabbed my suitcase and headed downstairs to see Niall at the bottom of the stairs smiling at me.

"Here let me take that" Niall said as he was about to take my suitcase but I didn't let I'm

"No I want to take it down" I told him and he smiled

"Are you sure? You don't need help?" he asked me

"Yeah I'm good" I told him as I kissed his cheek as I passed by him and he smiled

I went by the door and put the suitcase by the door. I walked over to Niall and he smiled at me.

"You ready to go?" Niall asked me as he wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me closer to him

"Yeah. I'm excited for this vacation" I told him

"Yeah me too. You and I are going to be alone in our room" he said

"Hey. Get your mind out of the gutter" I told him and he laughed

"What? You don't want to do it?" he asked

"I do but we can't do it everyday" I told him

"Why not?" he asked with a whine and I giggled

"Because I want to have functional legs for this vacation" I told him

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