Chapter 35

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Christmas Day

Emily POV

Today is Christmas and honestly Christmas is my favourite holiday. This is the first time that I'm going to spend it with Niall's family. I'm excited because we are going to do so many things today and also Theo and Mia are coming over today to celebrate Christmas with us which I'm excited about. Niall and I already picked out our presents for everyone but I still don't know what he got me. He always says it's surprise and now I'm curious and of course I brought Niall something as well.

This morning I woke up Niall sleeping next to me. I smiled because he looks cute and cuddly while he is sleeping. I moved closer to him and he instantly wrapped his arms around me. I smiled and melted in his arms and kissed his cheek to wake him up. He smiled but didn't open his eyes.

"I know you're awake" I told him

"No, I'm not" he said as he nuzzled his face to my neck to make me giggle

"Niall wake up. It's Christmas" I told him

"Yay Christmas and now let me go back to sleep" he said

Someone was knocking on the door and I told them to come in. The door opened and Theo was walking into the room.

"Good morning Theo" I told him as I helped him onto the bed and he sat in between Niall and I

"It's Christmas" Theo said cheerily

"Yes it is. Merry Christmas Theo" I told him and he smiled at me

"Merry Christmas aunt Emily. Is uncle Niall awake?" Theo asked me

"Nope should we wake him up?"


"Okay we wake him up alright. 3,2,1"

"Merry Christmas" Theo and I both said

I watched as Theo was giving Niall kisses and I did the same too. Niall woke up with laughter which one of my favourite sound of his.

"Okay. Okay. I'm up" Niall said as he stopped us from kissing him

"Are you sure?" Theo asked and Niall smiled at him

"Yes I am buddy. Merry Christmas" Niall told Theo

"Merry Christmas" Theo told Niall and kissed Niall's cheek that made me smile

After Theo kissed Niall's cheek Niall faced me with a smile on his face.

"Merry Christmas Niall" I told him

"Merry Christmas Em" he said and kissed my lips

While we were kissing Theo made a sound to make us pull away and look at him.

"What? You don't want to kiss my girlfriend?" Niall asked Theo and he giggled

"Kissing ew" Theo said

"You're 10. You're supposed to be kissing girls by now. You don't need to say ew" Niall said and I slapped the back of Niall's head and he looked at me "Ow. Why did you hurt me?"

"Since you kissed girls when you were young. That doesn't mean he has to. He could start whenever he wants when he gets a real girlfriend"

"Yeah, you should listen to your aunt Emily. Don't listen to me"

"Can we go downstairs? There are presents under the tree" Theo said as he totally ignored what Niall and I were talking about and I chuckled

"Yes we can. Let's go" I told him as I sat up on the bed and got out

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