Chapter 41

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A few months later

Niall POV

I woke up this morning with Emily sleeping beside me on the bunk. We are on the North American leg of the tour and we rented out the tour bus for this leg instead of paying for a hotel to sleep in. Emily and I got this bus for ourselves so we could have some privacy. I looked down at Emily and kissed her cheek to wake her up. She opened her eyes and looked at me.

"Good morning" I told her

"Good morning" she said with a smile on her face

"Did you sleep good?" I asked her

"Yeah. Did you?" she asked me

"Yes I did but I'm hungry" I told her and she giggled

"Should I make some breakfast?" she asked

"If you want to or I could tell the driver to stop and we could get breakfast" I told her

"No I won't to make breakfast and we could relax before your show tonight" she said and I nodded

"We could do that" I told her and she nodded

"Now why don't you get up so we could have some breakfast and I could take a shower" she said as she sat up but I pulled her back down "How may I help you?" she asked me

"Your not leaving here without giving me a kiss" I told her

She smiled and gave me a kiss on the lips.

"Happy now?" she asked

"Mmm, I need one more" I told her

She giggled as I kissed her lips. This time we deepened the kiss and not pulling away.

"Now I'm happy now. You're free to go" I told her

She kissed my cheek and then get out of bed.


After taking a shower and putting my clothes on. I went to the kitchen/lounge area of the bus and saw that Emily is making breakfast sandwich. I walked over to her and kissed her cheek.

"Thank you for breakfast" I told her as she handed me breakfast

"You're welcome" she said

She grabbed her plate and we went to seat on the couch.

Emily POV

It's been few hours since we ate breakfast. Niall and I snuggled up on the couch. He is watching golf and I was watching it with him. There was nothing else to watch so I decided to watch it with him. I looked at the tv and saw the man who was hitting the golf ball it didn't made it to the hole. It was so close.

"That ball should've been in. It almost made it but it didn't" I said and Niall looked at me with a smile on his face "What?" I asked shyly and he chuckled

"You are getting into this game aren't you?" he asked

"Maybe but I still won't play it with you" I told him

"Oh come on. One day I'm going to take you to the golf course and you have to play with me" he said

"And that day is not today" I told him and he sighed

"Fine not today but one day I'll take you but it's cute that you're into this game though" Niall told me

"Thank you but golf is not a sport or a game" I told him

"It is so" he said

"No it's not. All you have to do is hit the golf ball to the hole. How hard can it be?"

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