Chapter 2

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Emily POV

It's been 2 months since Niall tweeted me and DM'd his number and since that day I have been texting Niall and a few days later we started calling each other. When I first meet someone or talk to someone I get shy because I'm a shy person, but Niall talked to me as if we were friends for a long time. I get to know the real him and he get to know me as well.

Recently, Niall's 2nd album Heartbreak Weather has released. So, he has been busy promoting the album and doing some interviews and live performances. Not gonna lie, I've been helping Niall with his social media accounts. I have been telling him on what to post and what the fans like. Sometimes, he likes the idea and do it to his social media accounts.

I'm in college and I'm taking social media marketing and this course just helps me to come with creative ideas and help other creators. That's what I'm trying to help Niall. He knows I'm doing these kind of stuff and he jokingly asked me to help him but when I gave him some ideas. He took it and told it to his team. Which I get excited when he tells me he will tell my ideas to his team.

Today Niall and I are deciding where to meet while I'm walking to school. I have my phone near my ear and talking to Niall.

"Where do you want to meet?" I asked Niall through the phone

"What time do you finish today?" he asked me

"Around noon. Why?" I asked him

"Why don't I come and pick you up?" he asked

"Really? But, would you get recognize tho?" I asked him and he chuckled

"I'll wear a disguise or something. So, would do you say? Do you want me to pick you up?" he asked

"Yes" I told him and he chuckled

"Alright. I'll see you after school okay" he said

"Do I have to go to class?" I asked him

"Yes you have to or I won't pick you up. Em, you have only one class today cheer up" he said

"I know it's one class but I hate going early" I told him

"Yeah I know but you can't turn around now. Are you going to school? Are you?" he asked as he tried to make me laugh

"Yes I am Niall" I told him

"Good. I'll pick you up later. Bye Em" he said

"Bye Niall" I said and hung up the phone

Once I hung up the phone I received a text from Niall.

Niall: you better be going to school or I'll be mad

Emily: don't worry I'm going to class. Meeting Megan first then going to class

Niall: oh good. Tell Megan I said hi. Ask Megan if she wants to come as well

Emily: okay. I'll ask her later.

After I texted him I walked inside and met Megan at the cafeteria. Megan and I didn't have breakfast this morning so we decided to meet up at the cafeteria to get some breakfast. You will think the cafeteria will have bad breakfasts and stuff, but this cafeteria has a good cafeteria with good breakfast and lunch options and I like it.

"You're smiling so much, either you have been watching Niall videos or you just talked to Niall right now" Megan said as she saw me walking into the cafeteria

"2nd one" I told her

"It's 10 in the morning and this man already called you. That means he really likes ya" Megan said and I rolled my eyes

Megan thinks Niall likes me because he calls me everyday in the morning before I go to school or on the weekends. I keep telling her he doesn't like me like that. He just calls me to say good morning because he is just a nice person and she thinks he likes me which I know he doesn't because who would like me.

"He is just doing that because he is a nice person and I told him I like it when he calls me before I got to class or if he texts me it's good to" I told her

"But still he likes you" she said

"Keep telling that yourself because I know we are not going to date" I told her

"Watch in your guys's wedding. My speech will be I told her since the beginning they're going to date but she didn't believe me for so long until now" she said and I chuckled

"That's not going to happen and you know that" I told her as we grabbed our food

I grabbed a breakfast sandwich and Megan grabbed a cream cheese bagel. We walked over to a table and sat down.

"Oh, trust me it will" she said and I rolled my eyes

"Speaking of Niall, he asks if you want to hangout with us today" I told her

"You're going to meet him for the first time today?" she asked as she ate her bagel and I ate my breakfast sandwich

"Yep" I told her

"I'll let you be with him since it's your first time meeting him. I want it to be your moment. I'll come hang out with you all later" she said

"Are you sure?" I asked her

"Yeah, you've been a fan for a long time and I've been a fan of him recently. I want you to have your moment then I'll come and ruin it" she said

"By ruining the moment, you mean telling him embarrassing stories about my fan girl moments" I told her

"Yes, that is correct" she said

"Oh god help me" I told her and she chuckled

After breakfast we decided to head to class.


Emily: just finished class. Where are you?

Niall: do you see a black van?

I walked out of the building and looked up to see the black van that Niall is talking about and I saw it. Niall was standing in front of it wearing a pair of jeans with a white top. He has a cap on with a pair of glasses so he doesn't get recognized and also, he has a security guard beside him just in case he gets recognized. Niall walked up to me and I walked to him like one of the slow motion movies.

"Hi" I said shyly as he stood in front of me and he chuckled

"We have been talking about 2 months now and this is the first time meeting. All I get is a hi. Can we at least hug?" Niall asked and I chuckled

"Yes you can" I told him

He gave me a hug. Niall is a bit taller than me so I wrapped my arms around his waist and hugged him. I squealed a bit as he picked me up and hugged me. I giggled as he spun me around and put me down.

"Is that the real Niall Horan hug?" I asked him as we walked to the van

"Yes it is" he said and he grabbed my bag from my shoulder

"You know I can carry my own bag." I told him as we went inside the van

"I know but I like to carry your bag" he said

"Okay" I told him and he sat beside me

"Are you hungry?" he asked

"I'm starving" I told him

"I bet you are. Do you want to go to McDonald's?" he asked

"Can you McDonald's? I thought you can't since it's all greasy and stuff" I told him

"Today is going to be my chest day. I haven't had McDonald's for a long time. I thought I would have it with you" he said

"Okay, McDonald's it is then" I told him and he nodded

He told his driver and the driver took us to McDonald's.

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