Chapter 36

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January 2024

Emily POV

It's been a few days since we have arrived in London. Ireland was fun, Niall and I spent Christmas and New Years together over there. Two days after New Year's we arrived in London. Today morning I woke up with a stomach ache. I never get sick but today I am. Yesterday for dinner I hate chicken tacos because Niall and I were craving for tacos so I decided to make it.

I feel like I'm going to throw up. I quickly got out of bed and went to the bathroom. I kneeled in front of the toilet and threw up. I hate throwing up while I was throwing up I could feel a few tears streaming down my face. I felt Nialls hands are on my back and rubbing it while I'm throwing up. After I was done I looked at Niall he gave me a sad smile. He got up and grabbed a rag that we have in the bathroom. He sat back down with his back against the wall and his legs stretched out.

"Come here" he said

I went over to him and he wiped my mouth with the rag. I smiled at him after he was done.

"You don't feel good?" he asked and I shook my head no "Does your stomach hurt?" he asked

"Yeah, but I don't know. My stomach hurts and I feel sweaty" I told him

"That's because you're wearing a sweatshirt babe. You need to change shirts. I don't mind not being without a shirt for a whole day since it's hot" he said with a smirk on his face and I slapped the back of his head

"I'm not doing that. I'm just going to change shirts" I told him

"I know you are. I was joking with you. I'll give you one of my shirts if you want if that makes you comfortable" he said and I nodded

"Yes" I told him

"Alright. Why don't you take a shower and I'll make breakfast. What do you want to eat for breakfast?" he asked

"I can't think of breakfast right now. I might throw up" I told him and he chuckled

"You might be hungry after you take a shower" he said

"Yeah you are. Can I have butter on toast?" I asked him

"Yes you can. Now let's get you to the shower" he said as we both got up

I got out of the bathroom with Niall and he handed me one of his shirts and it smells like him because he wore this t-shirt. I grabbed a pair of sweatpants and I was about to go to the bathroom but Niall called me.

"Yeah" I told him as I turned to him and he walked over to me

He was about to give me a kiss but I stopped him to make him pout. I don't want him to get sick as well.

"Why?" he asked with a whine and I giggled

"Because I don't want you to get sick" I told him and he smiled

"I don't care. I haven't kissed those lips this morning" he said

He cupped my cheeks and I smiled as he kissed my lips.

"Niall" I giggled as he kept pressing kisses on my lips

"Okay all done. You can go now" he said as he pulled with a smile on his face

I just shook my head and walked to the bathroom until I felt Niall slapped my bum to make me squeal and I playfully glared at him and he put his hands up in defence.

"Niall" I said

"I didn't do anything" he said and I giggled

"Of course you didn't" I told him

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