Chapter 17

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Emily POV

Since I'm on tour with Niall I get to see the behind the scenes stuff of the music industry a little bit like his shows, live performances and interviews. We are in New York City and Niall has an interview he has to do right now and I decided to tag along. Usually, I would stay at the bus but today I wanted to get out of the bus and get out. In this interview there is a live audience and since I'm in the side of the stage the audience couldn't see me but I could see Niall.

Niall and I didn't sleep last night because he was excited about the show tonight. He is playing at the Madison Square Garden which is an iconic venue in New York City and he is just excited to play it for the first time. He played at this venue before with the 1D boys but this is his own show and he is very excited about it. Niall is sitting on a couch while wearing a white pants, a white tank top and a blue t-shirt over it. The interviewer is sitting on a single chair and talking to him and I think her name is Sophia.

"Niall, you're playing at the most iconic venue in New York City which is Madison Square Garden. How are you feeling?" Sophia asked me and the crowd cheered when Sophia said the venue that he is playing at and Niall smiled

"To answer that question I didn't sleep last night. That's the answer" he said to make the crowd and I laugh "I'm excited and nervous because I've waited for this day forever and I'm nervous because I just don't want to mess up anything. Also, I played this venue with the 1D boys but I don't know why I'm nervous" he said

"I think it's because you played at this venue with your brothers and then you're just nervous because you're doing it by yourself" Sophia said

"Yeah I think so too" Niall said

"There's a question for you here, 3/5 members of 1D are dads. Are you next?" Sophia asked Niall and I looked at Niall when she asked that question

"Nope" Niall said

I looked at him and he saw me and I flipped him off to make him chuckle a bit. Since I've been in the bus most of the time I get bored and watch TikTok videos and my for you page always recommends baby videos and I don't know why. I love kids trust me but I don't think taking care of one right now is a good idea.

"I don't think it's a good idea to take care of a child right now because I don't think I'm ready yet" Niall said

"Speaking of kids, I heard you and Niall did the other day" Tara said as she stood beside me and I looked at her

"How did you know?" I asked her

"Your  boyfriend over there told me so when did this happen?" she asked

I know Tara and Niall are close and Niall treats Tara like a sister and I know he tells her everything but I don't know why he told her about us having sex.

"Yeah we did and we did it while we were in Atlanta" I told her

"Did you like it? Did it hurt the next day?" she asked

"Yes I did. But, he was so careful with me since it's my first time but it did hurt like hell. You're telling me people do that just to have a baby" I said and she chuckled

"Yes it does" she said

"Yeah it hurts so much. Did it hurt for you when you did it with Adam?" I asked her

"Yeah for the first time we did but it will be okay after" she said and I nodded

"Speaking of Adam I thought he was landing today aren't you supposed to pick him up?" I asked her

"I have to be with Niall since he has other things to do after this. I told somebody to pick him up and bring him to the hotel. I'm going to meet him after I do Niall stuff" she said and I nodded

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