Chapter 12

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Niall POV

It's been a few days since we landed in Nashville. In that few days we got a tour bus and the band, Emily and I toured the city we are in. Emily never explored anywhere before so I'm glad she get to experience this. The last couple of days we had days off and we decided to explore and I'm so glad Emily is close to the band that's all I need. If she is close with the band and my friends I'm happy. Emily is a shy girl at first she was shy to talk to them but I encouraged her to talk to them and their close friends now which I like.

Today is the first day of the show and I'm excited and nervous. I'm excited because I got to see the fans after so many years and I'm nervous because it's been so long since I've played in a big crowd. I just don't want to mess it up.

I woke up this morning in the tour bus with my beautiful girl beside me. I thought it would be a good idea to have the bus for ourselves so we can have some privacy and also Emily likes the idea for the bus for ourselves to. I looked at Emily to see she's sleeping in my arms. I have my arms wrapped around her and she snuggled up to me. I kissed her head and she smiled that means I know she's awake.

"Wake up sleepy head" I told her

She groaned and turned to the other side to sleep.

"Go away. I'm sleepy" she said

"It's a big day today. It's first show day" I told her

"Your show is in the evening and not in the morning. So, I can sleep" she said and I chuckled

"I know but I have some interviews and I thought maybe you would come to see what I do since you don't see that side of my work things" I told her

"That's your job. My job doesn't start when we go to the venue today. I get to sleep in" she said as she closed her eyes and tried to go back to sleep

I chuckled at her. Emily, is very ticklish especially her neck area. Whenever I kiss her neck she giggles and gets shy on me which I find it so cute. I kissed the back of Emily's neck to make her giggle.

"Niall stop" she giggled and tried to push my face away

I grabbed her hands gently and held it without hurting her of course. I continued to kiss her neck to get her sweat spot to moan my name.

"Are you up?" I asked her as I bite her neck to make her laugh

"Yes now stop" she laughed

I found her sweat spot. I know that because she stopped giggling and she gripped my gently as she moaned out my name.

"Niall" she moaned

I smirked and pulled away to look at her.

"Yes" I told her and I kissed her cheek

"You're mean but you missed a spot" she said as she looked at me and pointed to her lips

"I'm not mean but I think I did get your spot" I told her just to tease her

"Okay fine no kisses for you today" she said as she looked away from me

I chuckled and got on top of her gently. We are not sleeping on the tour bus bunk. We have a big bed in the back we could sleep on. We tried to sleep on the bunks but it's not working. Emily is still looking away from me so I held one hand on above her head gently and I took my other hand and put a finger under her chin to make her look at me.

"So, you really mean no kisses for me?" I asked her

"Yes, no kisses for you" she said

I leaned into her and placed my lips on hers. At first, she didn't kissed me back but I tickled her side to make her laugh and she kissed me back. I smiled that I could get her to kiss me and she kissed me back. After our make out session I pulled away and looked at her.

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