"You look and smell amazing. Now go brush your teeth. I can make you breakfast" he said as he let go of me

"You don't have to make me breakfast" I told him

"Well, I want to. What does the baby and you want for breakfast?" he asked as I walked over to the sink to get my toothbrush

"We want avocado egg toast" I told him

"And for drink. Do you want tea or juice?" Niall asked

"Orange juice please" I told him

"Alright. When you're done come downstairs and we could eat some breakfast before we leave" he said and I nodded

Niall left the bathroom and I brushed my teeth before going downstairs.


"Do you guys know what kind of sex of the baby you want?" Dr. May asked as she the towel around the bottom of my stomach and tucked it in under my pants

"Not really. We just want to know if the baby is healthy" I told her with a smile on my face while holding Niall's hand

He smiled at me and he kissed the back of my hand.

"Okay. This might be cold" Dr. may said as she put the gel on my belly and I nodded

Niall and I looked at the monitor and I could see our baby.

"That's your baby" Dr. May said

"Niall look" I told him and he was looking at the monitor

"Yes I'm looking. That's our baby" he said

"Yes it is" I told him as I looked at him and he kissed my lips

I looked back at the monitor and I couldn't believe that's my baby. That's our son or daughter. I can't wait to hear it is. It doesn't matter what the gender as long as the baby is healthy.

"Do you guys want to know the sex of it?" Dr. May asked

"Yes please" I told her

Dr.May moved the gel around my tummy to look for the gender.

"Congratulations. Your first baby is a girl" Dr. May said and I looked at Niall who has a smile on his face

"We are going to have a girl as our first baby" I told him and he looked down at me

"Yes we are. I can't believe this" Niall said as he kissed my forehead and cheek to make me smile

"Do you guys want pictures?" Dr. May and I looked at her

"Yes" I told her and she nodded

She printed the picture and she told me I was finished. I took the towel off of me and sat up. Dr. May handed us the pictures and I gave it to Niall. He helped me to get out of bed.

"Congratulations guys. You guys are good. You could leave anytime you want" Dr. May said

"Okay thank you" I told her

"No problem. See you guys later" she said and left the room

"We are going to have a girl" Niall said as he put his arms around my waist

"Yes we are. I can't believe our first baby is a girl" I told him

"Yeah I can't believe it also" he said

"I have a question. Can we go to Megan's house after this? I told her we are going to see the sex of the baby today. She wants to know if it's a boy or a girl" I told him

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