Chapter 28 - Mother Molinda

Start from the beginning

"You are just in time for dinner. Shall we?" She said, giving me her hand. I gladly took it and we all walked down. I felt like this was my home and I was holding my mother's hand, walking down. I looked at Molinda and smiled. She was nice, what was I thinking? We walked into the dining room. The dinning table itself was long, clear and huge. Food was already kept there. I, on the other side, lost count of foods that were on the table. I was suddenly hungry.

We all sat down together. I loved this already. When we were seated, few of the servants came out with a large dish of something. I couldn't tell what it was, but it was covered. When they placed it down and pulled the cover off, my mouth began to water. Roasted chicken, my favorite, except this one was fancy. There was also three sets of jointed candle in the middle of the table, which were unlit. I wondered if anyone was going to light them up?

I observed Molinda as she looked at the candles. She looked at it as if she was studying it. Before I could pinpoint it, the candles were automatically lit without having anyone touch it. I was blown back again. How did she do that?! Then it occurred.

She was a witch. She laughed at my reaction as my eyes were wide open.

"Wow," I murmured. The girls laughed.

"So, Alex. Tell me, did you like the house?" Molinda asked, passing the basket of bread to me.

"The house is amazing," I said, smiling.

"Good, I was hoping you'd say that! Justin here told me you thought of me as a green, evil, ugly witch? Is that true?" She asked, muffling a laugh. My mouth flew open as I glared daggers at Justin.

"When did you tell her that?!" I bellowed, hitting Justin on the shoulder. Molinda and the girls laughed.

"It all works through mind," my other Alex winked, throwing a pea at me. I rolled my eyes.

"I watch too many films, Molinda. I'm so sorry! You are absolutely the very opposite," I replied, giggling. Molinda laughed.

"I actually turn green when I'm mad," She said, passing butter to me, smiling.

"No way?" Surprised at her comment, I take the butter.

"No, it's not. She ugly when's she's green," Taylor said, covering her mouth from laughing. Everyone in the room bursted out laughing except Molinda, who snickered.

"Shut up, I don't want Alexandra to think I'm ugly!" Molinda yelled, throwing a pea at Taylor. everyone continued to laugh except Justin, who just sat there watching. I shook my head.

"Do you have witch powers?" I asked, out of no where, causing everyone to stop laughing for a moment. I bit my lip as Molinda looked at me funny. I thought she was going to snap, but then I thought differently.

"Of course! Wunna see?" She asked, grinning. I was taken back.

"Y-yes, of course!" I watched carefully as Molinda pointed at one of her servant.

"I can make him dance," She said.

"This should be interesting," Justin said, placing his elbows on the table to have a better look. I looked at Molinda as everyone else looked at the servant.

"Kiyatche suman Loui, Danza mujer bandini masir yat gah," She mumbled, looking straight at the servant, who had his back faced to us. I was stunned. To me, the witch words coming out of her mouth was the coolest thing I ever encountered. I blinked rapidly as my eyes caught the servant. Instantly, the words started to do the magic and the servant started to dance. Poor guy had no clue what was happening to him, but he was on the floor dancing. Everyone started to laugh as I was too busy observing the servant. I was awe strucked. If only this was fake, but it wasn't. The servant stopped dancing as Molinda snapped her fingers. Since everyone were too busy laughing at the servant, I took the opportunity to turn to Justin.

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