Under the Sea pt 1

Start from the beginning


"On it!" Chopper was instantly there with a couple of nose plugs, which he promptly stuck up Sanji's nose and went to work.

"Honestly, if he'd gone shooting off, he probably would have popped the bubble," Yukiko commented, as Tapu Fini nodded.

"Not necessarily," Nami replied. "The bubble is strong enough to stand the pressure down here, so it's thicker than say a soap bubble or even the bubbles that are up on the archipelago's surface. If Sanji had popped the bubble, he would have been sent up into the water and the rest of us would have still been fine."

"Still, a nosebleed shouldn't be able to send someone rocketing up like that!" Usopp ranted. "How the hell can Sanji do that?"

"Maybe it has something to do with where he was training for the last two years?" Robin suggested.

"What kind of place makes someone like him even more susceptible to women than he already is?!" Usopp demanded as Chopper came running out of he medical bay with blood bags. He promptly started sticking IVs in Sanji's arm.

"I feel sorry for him," Brook commented as Zoro stared with a dropped jaw at all the blood bags. "At this rate, he's gonna bleed to death once he meets the mermaids he's longing to see. I can't help worrying."

"We'll have to call for blood donations at Fish-Man Island," Chopper said as he looked Sanji over. Our cook was completely catatonic, with his visible heart as an eye and a rather goofy-looking smile on his face. "I wonder if fishmen and mermaids have the same blood as humans."

"Or even if they'd be willing to donate if they did," Yukiko commented. "I mean, I know thatthings were bad two years ago when Hachi was with us….even though they forbid slavery now, there might still be tensions."


"The bubble that coats the Sunny has the same quality as the bubbles at Sabaody Archipelago," Robin spoke up, sensing the need for a change in subject.

"Stop analyzing the bubble in such a calm manner!" Usopp exclaimed, pointing at her accusingly.

"Robin's right," Nami spoke up. "Basically, they're the same. It stretches to a certain point, and it allows things to go through when it goes beyond that. Which means if we fire a gun or cannon at a creature that attacks us, the bubble won't break."

"Then, on what occasion will it break instead?" Usopp asked.

"If there are too many holes at once it will," Nami replied. "For example, if we're bitten by a Sea King's fangs, it'll be trouble. Or, if the ship itself breaks up by crashing into a rock or a trench, the broken mast or planking will break the bubble and that also spells danger. So we have to be careful with creatures and obstacles in the sea."

"And them?" Yukiko asked dryly, motioning over to Luffy and Zoro, who were attempting to gear up for another attempt at catching fish.

"Yes, right...."
Nami suddenly slammed her fists into Luffy's and Zoro's heads. "You idiots! Don't break the bubble with your attacks!"

"So it's tougher than I thought it was." Usopp let out a sigh of relief. "That's good! I was worried for a minute there!"

"Anyway, let's eat!" Yukiko brought her meals out for everyone.

Chopper perked up instantly. "I'm so starved!"

"Yohohoho! My bones are starved!"

"Thank you, Yukiko." Robin nodded

"Nami, is the ship gonna be stable for a while?" Franky asked. "Don't we have to do anything?"

"Nope. We just have to ride this big sea current for now. So we can continue on like this for a while, since we don't have much to do until later."

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