𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐫𝐭𝐞𝐞𝐧

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A few days had passed since the whole incident regarding the bones and the Smith's past relative. The threat of Dr Whitewood was no longer looming over them and the group had grown closer than ever before. Jana had gotten over the fact that two humans knew about the secret almost instantly, which everyone was more than relieved by. Now, all anyone could focus on was the excitement of the upcoming Lunar Fayre, an annual event in the town of Stoneybridge. It was an overflowing treasure chest of music, dancing, food, games and fake rituals which resulted in most of the kids recording and posting funny videos online.

Still, no one's excitement could match the wolfblood's of the town. All they had felt the past few days were butterflies - they could already feel the eclipse's effect and the amount of energy it gave them. They could not wait.

Lia and Maddy were chatting with their best mate Tom by their lockers. They had a free period, and Shannon usually liked to use those to study or read now that she didn't have a beast to hunt down. Lia sometimes joined her, quite often in fact, but today she didn't have any work or revision to do. By virtue of the Lunar Fayre, the teachers had relaxed a little on the workload they gave their students for a bit of a break. The festival was something everyone participated in in some way. If people weren't running stands, they were dancing or singing, and if they weren't doing that they still came to watch and take part in any games or dances. The whole town attended. It was as if it were mandatory. Even being sick was not an excuse.

But being a wolfblood most certainly was.

Lia had zoned out of the conversation at this point. Believe it or not, being a wolfblood did have some consequences. She only snapped back into reality by the familiar click-clack of the K's heels. With an internal groan, she turned to see the three wannabe Barbies walk into the corridor, stopping in sync next to a couple of girls who were putting their names down for an audition to sing at the Lunar Fayre. Kay scoffed, "'Search for The Lunar Queen?' Search for the Loser Queen, more like!"

The K's broke out into ear-splitting laughter and began sauntering off down the length of the corridor. The three friends shared a look and went back to their conversation, "Anyway," Tom began, loud enough for the K's to hear before lowering his voice to a normal volume, "Since you three can't come to the festival, the five of us should do something special for the eclipse."

"So... Bernies, then?" Maddy asked him with a smile. Tom placed his hand on his heart, shaking his head and looking at the girl with pride, "You read my mind, Miss Smith."

The three of them broke out into laughter. Lia ran a hand through her hair, pushing it back before turning to Tom, "That's a really sweet thing to do for us, Tom. I appreciate it."

He grinned, pulling down his grey sweater so that it rested flat over his uniform, "That's alright. It's just so sad that we can't all go together! When me and Shan go she gets bored after two seconds and goes home, so I'm stuck with Jimi and his mates for the rest of the night," he shivered comically as if shaking off a horrible memory. Lia gave him a small smile, "Yeah, it really is too bad, I'd love to go."

Her sister nudged her empathetically, giving her a twitch of a smile to cheer her up, but she was just as disappointed. Tom twisted his mouth. Watching their disappointed faces made him feel awful. It wasn't often he had something that others didn't, and whilst people like Jimi would love this, he hated it. Just as he was about to change the topic, someone else did it for them, "Katrina! What are you doing?"

The girl in pink had stopped dead in her tracks, causing the two others to crash into her. Katrina bit her lip, her hand lifting to twirl a piece of her platinum blonde hair around her finger, "Harry Averwood and his band." she stated, no more explanation needed. Her friends' scowls were instantly replaced with flirtatious smiles at the sight of the band walking down the corridor toward them. Lia rolled her eyes, finding it slightly amusing how three girls could be so instantly starstruck at the sight of one boy.

𝑷𝑨𝑷𝑬𝑹 𝑹𝑰𝑵𝑮𝑺 • 𝐫𝐡𝐲𝐝𝐢𝐚𝐧. 𝐦 (wolfblood)Where stories live. Discover now