𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐟𝐢𝐯𝐞

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Lia woke up the following day with a much clearer mind, which was a relief. After everything that had happened yesterday, Rhydian was safe, and she had gotten answers to most of her questions - apart from one that was making her head spin.

Sighing with a shake of her head, she slipped her cold feet into her slippers, walked across the wooden floor to the window and pulled apart the curtains so that she could see the horses galloping about the field. Smiling to herself, she untangled the braid she had slept in and took a shower. She had woken up relatively early, even for a school day, so she had plenty of time to do all her morning chores.

After her shower and changing into some clean-ish yard clothes, she put on her wellies and dashed across the field to help Maddy out. The two worked together for a good hour, filling up the hay nets, changing their water, giving them their feed, and even going as far as giving them a brush down before heading back into the warmth of the farmhouse where breakfast was calling their names.

Neither of them wanted anything too big, so they each grabbed an apple to eat as they sorted out their school bags for the day, not having time the night before. To their relief, they both had another day before their history assignment was due, so they agreed to work on it that evening.

Hearing a thud upstairs, Lia sighed to herself. It was clear that Dan was already back working on Rhydian's room again and it had barely struck seven. Making her way up the stairs, the redhead turned a corner to approach the room. Opening the door a touch, she smiled at the two as they lifted a handmade wooden wardrobe into the corner. Dan let out a huff of exhaustion, but turned to the boy with a smile of victory, "Perfect fit! Assembled by my own hairy hands." He said, giving the wardrobe a pat.

As he did so, something rattled inside. The three shared a look of nervousness as Dan pulled open the door. Poking her head around it, her lips pressed together to stop herself from laughing aloud when she saw that a piece of wood acting as a shelf had fallen from the top. Grinning up at her father, she stepped back as he closed it slowly, turning to Rhydian with a casual look, "I'll screw that in. It'll be fine." He assured him.

He laughed a little, nodding his head appreciatively, "It's brilliant, Mr Smith. You really shouldn't have gone to all this trouble." He said modestly. Dan held a hand to silence him, "It's Daniel, and it's no trouble, it's what I do."

The door clicked open behind them and Emma entered the room, "Like picture framing." she added with a grin, placing down some framed drawings on the bed. Rhydian's lips parted in disbelief, "My sketches."

"You don't have to hide your natural talents in this house, pet." Emma grinned as her husband pulled her into a side hug. Rhydian stood speechless, a smile lingering on his face, "I... I don't know what to say."

Emma smiled, "It was Lia's idea to have them framed." she informed him, nodding over to her daughter. The girl smiled, wiggling her eyebrows playfully when his eyes met hers. He chuckled a little, shaking his head at the ground. She knew that he never liked people knowing his talents, but Lia thought that his talents should be put on display. In addition, it would do him good to know that not all families are as disastrous as what he had been used to. She hoped that this would make him a bit more comfortable and settle him in a little.

Dan cleared his throat, "While we're on this, uh... topic, I think it'd be best if we set some ground rules."

Lia and Rhydian looked at each other, their eyes shining with both embarrassment and annoyance. Groaning internally, they turned to look at Daniel as he continued to speak, "So, no going in each other's rooms past eleven and doors are always open - understood?"

Cheeks burning red, the pair nodded.

The awkwardness in the room was soon broken up when Maddy poked her head around the door, "Mam, what have you done with my school clothes?"

𝑷𝑨𝑷𝑬𝑹 𝑹𝑰𝑵𝑮𝑺 • 𝐫𝐡𝐲𝐝𝐢𝐚𝐧. 𝐦 (wolfblood)Where stories live. Discover now