"Fair enough." Rayleigh nodded.
Yukiko had a sad smile as she had to take off for her destined island with Whitebeard's help.

"You be careful, okay?" Yukiko smiled.

"You too," Luffy said right before they kissed.

Although the Whitebeard Pirates found this sweet, Hancock, who was watching this scene bit her lip in jealousy.

Though with Yukiko gone, she could be able to seduce Luffy.

But she would not understand how strong their love is, but Elder Nyon did.

'*Sigh*, Snake Princess. You may have the power to make others fall over your beauty, but you also provoke feelings of lust, those who are turned into stone by you feel lust, but it is not the same as love. Strawhat is unaffected because his love with Yukiko is stronger. And yesterday, he kept by her side, never turning to you. Even those other tamers knew and none of them were affected by you because you looked down on them.' She thought sadly.

A day later,

Yukiko arrived to her destination as she thanked Whitebeard and Ace.

Her island was called Jewelria, a Jewel Paradise.

She met up with a local woman who happened to be an old friend of Rayleigh's.

"Are you Seraphina?"

"Ah yes, and you must be Yukiko. I've already been told of your situation from Rayleigh. Let's get to the Jewel Desert."

Then a news coo flew over and dropped a paper.

Yukiko looked over it and smiled.

"That's my man."

Ace was frozen is fear when he saw the paper. That little idiot!

Why did he go back to Marineford!?

Then Marco took a look.

Then he smiled as he understood and why Rayleigh wanted to talk with him and Yukiko.

Alina laughed, "My friend chose a real wild card!"

Chopper had been flying back to Sabaody when he read the newspaper. He was shocked when he saw his captain on the front. He had returned to the place he had gone to war. And now it was for another reason.

He read the article twice, and then looked at the picture of his captain. She had something on her arm. He narrowed his eyes. 3D was crossed out, and a 2Y was underneath it. What was it? He thought back on it. It had to be a message. Everything else was just a mess. "Ah!" Chopper shouted as he looked it over more closely. "I got it! I know what you wanted to tell us! Tori-san, please go back!"

Robin was being led off the bridge when she was handed a newspaper from one the revolutionaries. She had read it over and then took in the picture of her captain. "Roger that, captain," Robin said and smiled.

The revolutionaries around her were confused and she smiled. "Do you think I may be able to join you for a limited time? My captain has made a decision." Immediately they all seemed to grow excited with joy.

"We'll call the boss right away, Robin-san!" They said and the carriage moved even faster across the bridge. They sent a note somewhere and were all giddy with excitement.


"I see, got it." Sanji cried out as he looked the newspaper over. His captain had given the order. That stupid Ivankov was hovering around him still though, wondering what he was all excited for.

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