Noona, I Need You

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Akira's POV

The comments flooded in, curiosity evident in each inquiry. "What are you doing?" they asked, and I replied, "Couldn't get ahold of him, so here I am." 

Little did I know that Jungkook was on Vlive, getting drunk.

"Do you like him?" a comment dared to ask. I choked on my whiskey for the second time, shaking my head. "Does it look like I'm in love with him?"

The ARMY, being ever perceptive, replied, "From how you're paying so much attention to Jungkook, yes." 

"I'm not." I couldn't help but smile, clarifying that I still hadn't fallen for Jungkook, reassuring them that they could rest assured.

"Don't fall for him," some warned, claiming Jungkook as theirs. On the other side, there were supportive comments, urging us to get together. 

A concerned comment asked, "What happened?" I took a moment and then apologized.

"I apologize, I'm partly to blame. It was actually my friend's clubs. Jungkook was sent there by someone on the inside, and none of the rumors about him being gay are true. 

I reassured the audience, "Nothing happened. I even have video evidence of Jungkook not doing anything. I was there all along. Jungkook entered the club and immediately left." 

The comments expressed relief, and I continued to share details, 

"He just stayed there for about 20 minutes, and all these rumors started circulating. I want to assure you that the person responsible for all this is already facing a lawsuit."

The reassurance seemed to calm the virtual crowd, and comments shifted from concern to gratitude, appreciating the efforts to clear up the misunderstanding surrounding Jungkook.

Suddenly, someone crept down onto my lap, and I looked down, surprised. "Jungkook, you brat!!" I exclaimed as he got up and sat on me. 

In this position, the ARMY could now see his side angle with his legs dangling on the left-side of my lap. 

I sighed, facepalming myself.

"How do you girls even tolerate him?" I asked, genuinely surprised, looking at Jungkook with exasperation. 

The virtual audience seemed to revel in the playful banter, showering the comments section with a flurry of reactions.

The comments swarmed in with various reactions:

"Who actually did it?" "Wow! So Akira wasn't joking when she said she was going to sue." "Didn't she kinda solve the problem immediately? Get me a friend like her." "What's the man's name? Tell me, I want to ruin his life." "Yeah! How dare she hurt our Jungkook. Kookie apologized for something he didn't even do."

The outpouring of support for Jungkook and appreciation for my swift action against the false accusations filled the comments section.

Smirking in response to the comments, I playfully said, "I can tell you the guy's name....." Just as I was about to reveal the information, the drunk Jungkook whined and snuggled into my neck.

"Jungkook, seriously?" I groaned, trying to suppress my annoyance. 

The unexpected turn of events added another layer of humor to the live stream, leaving the ARMY both entertained and intrigued.

"Well, don't ruin his life too much," I smirked, giving the name to the ARMY. Just then, I noticed a red mark on Jungkook's phone, indicating the battery was low, and the live might end soon.

"Guys, the battery is running low," I informed them. Concerned comments flooded in, asking if I was going to push Jungkook on the floor again and leave. 

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