Kiss and MakeUp

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Akira's POV

It was already September 1st, and as usual, I found myself caught up in a whirlwind of tasks. 

"Noona, do you know what day it is?!" Jungkook cheerfully asked, his enthusiasm cutting through my focused concentration.

"Go away, Jungkook, I'm busy," I replied, hastily putting on my jacket and heading out of my house. The weight of responsibilities pressed on my shoulders, leaving little room for distractions.

The day continued in its usual hectic manner, and as I entered the office, Cheol-Han, my assistant, approached me with a suggestion. 

"Need me to reschedule the evening client dinner and clear up your schedule?" he asked, sensing my busy state.

I scowled, the idea of changes disrupting my carefully planned schedule. "No, no changes," I replied firmly, my attention already drifting back to the tasks at hand. 

Cheol-Han shot me a glance, assessing my mood, and then nodded in understanding.

As the day unfolded, I navigated through meetings, calls, and deadlines, the significance of the date momentarily escaping me. 

Jungkook's question echoed in my mind sporadically, but I pushed it aside, focusing on the demands of the present. 

Little did I know, the day held more surprises than I anticipated.

The day unfolded in a chaotic rhythm, meetings blending into one another, and the constant buzz of the office creating a whirlwind of tasks. 

Despite the relentless nature of my work, a persistent feeling lingered at the back of my mind – as if something crucial was missing.

As I delved into my documents, the clock ticked away, and before I knew it, the evening had descended. The office lights flickered, signaling the end of the workday. 

"God!! I'm finally done." Exhausted but determined, I packed up my things, ready to face the long commute home.

It was close to 11 PM when I finally left the office building. The city was quieter now, the hum of the nightlife providing a backdrop to my contemplative thoughts. 

As I navigated the streets, my phone rang, interrupting the silence. It was my bestfriend, and his question caught me off guard.

"Did you pop your cherry?" Taesang asked casually, and I scowled at the unexpected inquiry. "Why?" I demanded, my mind still preoccupied with work.

"What else did you gift your boyfriend today?" He chuckled on the other end.

I immediately braked, my heart skipping a beat. "WHAT?" I exclaimed, the realization hitting me like a ton of bricks. "It's Jeon Jungkook's birthday!"

"Yep, and seems like you've been so busy that you forgot. Don't worry, I didn't get him anything either. Just wanted to see your reaction." Taesang laughed, confirming my suspicion.

I cut the call abruptly, my mind racing. How could I forget Jungkook's birthday? Taesang's playful reminder sparked a mix of panic and guilt. 

I grabbed my phone and dialed Jungkook's number, ready to apologize for the unintentional oversight. He didn't pick up.

"God! I'm such an idiot." I rushed home, my earlier exhaustion replaced by a newfound urgency to make things right. 

Breathless and fraught with anxiety, I entered the house to find Jungkook standing at the other corner, his gaze cold. I sweatdropped, realizing that as CEO Ayeon Akira, I had indeed messed up. 

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