Just A Scandal

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Normal POV

Jungkook, expecting a photoshoot, found himself in an unexpected situation as he entered the reception area. He approached the desk, his brow furrowed with confusion.

"Hi, I'm here for the photoshoot with Yoon Seojin," he informed the receptionist.

The receptionist, glancing at her schedule, directed him with a friendly smile, "Ah, right this way, Mr. Jungkook. The team is ready for you."

Without questioning further, Jungkook followed the directions to the designated room, determined to make a strong impression. 

As he opened the door, the atmosphere shifted abruptly, and regret washed over him. "What the--?"

His eyes widened as he realized he was in a gay strip club, not a photoshoot set. Panic set in, and he desperately attempted to leave, only to find himself unable to open the door.

"What in the world?" Jungkook muttered under his breath, frantically inspecting the room for an escape route.

The sound of music and distant laughter from the club added to the surreal atmosphere, making Jungkook's predicament all the more awkward.

A dancer approached him with a playful smile, "Well, hello there."

"I-I'm sorry, there's been a mistake. I'm not supposed to be here." Jungkook stammered and she chuckled, "Wrong room, honey? Happens all the time."

As Jungkook tried to seee his way out, he couldn't shake the embarrassment. He couldn't help but think about how he would explain this mix-up to his team and Yoon Seojin.

"Hey... you look cute are you free tonight?" As Jungkook tried to make a hasty exit, a man approached him with a sly grin. 

"No--No, I'm fine by myself." Jungkook tries to leave but the stranger stands in his way

"I'll take you to heaven if you come with me." The stranger attempting to flirt and making dubious promises about elevating him in the K-pop industry if he complied with certain demands.

"I'm saying no, stay back." Jungkook, feeling increasingly uncomfortable, pushed the man back, refusing to entertain such propositions. 

The atmosphere in the room escalated quickly, tension thickening as the man's demeanor shifted from sleazy advances to aggressive confrontation.

"You don't know what you're missing, kid. A little sacrifice for fame?" the man sneered, his tone turning menacing.

Jungkook stood his ground, jaw clenched. "I said no, and I mean it. I'm here for a photoshoot, not whatever you're suggesting."

The situation took a dark turn as the man, fueled by frustration, lunged at Jungkook who dodges the floppy swing and punched him. 

A heated fight ensued, with punches thrown and chaos unfolding in the confined space of the strip club room.

Suddenly, Akira appeared, her presence commanding attention. "Kang Kibum, that's enough," she declared sternly. 

"Noona," Jungkook looked at her, a bit relieved to see a familiar face.

Without hesitation, she grabbed his collar and in one swift move, threw him towards her guards. "Take the drunkard away." The guards obediently listened to her, taking her way.

Akira's POV

I witnessed the boyfriend of my friend (who wasn't present there at the movement) picking a fight with a younger man and swiftly went to interfere.

Suddenly, I appeared, my presence commanding attention. "Kang Kibum, that's enough," I declared sternly.

"Noona," Jungkook looked at me, a bit relieved.

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