Living Together

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Akira's POV

Today was just like any other day, and I was engrossed in a meeting. Suddenly, my phone rang, and I glanced at the caller ID before deciding to interrupt the ongoing presentation.

"Stop for a minute," I instructed, holding up a hand to pause the discussion.

"I'm in a meeting, Jungkook." I sighed, picking up the call, "Noona..." His voice came through, a bit trembling, and I immediately sensed that something was amiss.

Jungkook, well aware of my busy schedule, usually never called during the afternoons when he knew I'd be occupied, it was always late at night or on my weekends.

"What happened?" I asked, my tone serious. I could tell that this wasn't a casual call, and I awaited an explanation from Jungkook.

The rest of the room was momentarily hushed, confused as to what happened.

"Um... I'm sorry to ask you this but.... c-can you come pick me up from my house? I don't want to stay here anymore," Jungkook pleaded over the phone, and I could sense the urgency in his voice.

Without hesitation, I got up from the meeting table, putting on my jacket.

"I'll be there in 20 minutes," I assured him, "Hurry." And he urged me to come quickly. I hummed in acknowledgment before ending the call.

"The presentation is nice, let's go with it," I told the team, and the director nodded in agreement.

"Cheol-Han, send some police and men to Jungkook's apartment immediately," I instructed my secretary and he nodded in response.

Without wasting any more time, I headed to my car and drove swiftly, determination pushing me through the traffic.

Upon reaching Jungkook's apartment, I get into his floor and went to his room, there I found the door unlocked, I opened it and he was standing right by the entrance, looking distressed.

"What happened?" I questioned as I entered, and Jungkook gestured for me to follow him further into the apartment.

The sight that met my eyes was disheartening-his home was wrecked.

"It was like this when I came back home..." Jungkook explained, his voice tinged with frustration and concern. I surveyed the damage, noticing threatening messages scrawled on the walls.

"You should've called the police, not me, you idiot," I remarked, half amused and half exasperated.

He responded with a wry smile.

"I thought my mafia girl would be more experienced in stuff like this," Jungkook retorted, and I shot him a stern look. He grinned guiltily in response.

"The reason for this to happen?" I asked, examining the threatening messages on the wall. I touched the writing and brought my fingers to my nose, realizing it was real blood.

"A girl has been stalking me, giving me food every day, but I refused her and warned her not to do it again on Vlive, and this happened a month later," Jungkook explained, his voice tense with frustration.

I nodded, wiping my hands as I absorbed the information.

As the door dinged open, Jungkook looked worried. "What are you, a kid? Go pack your bag; I'll see who it is," I instructed him, and he quickly went away to gather his belongings.

I walked to the entrance and opened the door to find men in black suits.

"Check it quickly before the police come," I warned, and three of them entered, efficiently assessing the situation before swiftly leaving.

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