Just A Distraction

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Akira's POV

It was just another peaceful day in the life of CEO Akira, engrossed in the intricacies of CEOing. As I  conducted a meeting with the board of directors, my phone suddenly started beeping, interrupting the business discussions. 

A sense of unease crept over me as I saw the familiar SOS message, a code Black, the one that sent shivers down my spine.

"Cheol-Han, postpone the meeting," I commanded without waiting for a single second.

Excusing myself from the room, I briskly took out my phone and called my father, anxiously awaiting a response. 

"Fuck!! Pick up the goddamn call!!" To my dismay, there was no answer. I then dialed Kyungjyuu, but the call went unanswered.

Growing more frantic, I phoned my mother, and after a few agonizing seconds, the call connected. "Mom! Are you okay? Is Dad okay?" I asked urgently.

"NO!! We're attacked—Akira...There's been an attack. Your father—he's," the call abruptly got cut, leaving me with an unsettling mix of fear and uncertainty. 

"Mom! Mom!!" I shouted into the phone, but there was no response. "Boss! What happened?" Cheol-Han entered the room, sensing the urgency in my movements.

"Code Black. Call all the guards off their posts and tell them to go to the main estate," I ordered, my voice trembling a bit.

"Yes," Cheol-Han replied, immediately taking out his phone to relay the instructions. We rushed out of the company building, with urgency propelling us towards our house. 

As we drove, the city around us seemed to blur, each passing second amplifying the anxiety building within me. "What happened?" Cheol-Han asked, his eyes focused on the road.

"I don't know, but we need to get home. Fast," I replied, my mind racing with worry for my family and the unknown threat that had unfolded. 

Dozens of black cars drove towards the estate, intensifying my panic. "Drive fast!" I snapped at Cheol-Han, who clicked his tongue and swiftly changed gears, propelling us forward at full speed. 

My fingers tightened around my gun as we approached our house. It was suspiciously calm, an eerie contrast to the chaos I had anticipated.

Barging into the house with a battalion of armed guards behind me, I found my family casually sitting on the sofa in the living room, engrossed in watching television. 

Confusion and relief flooded my senses simultaneously.

"What... what's going on here?" Father demanded frustrated as he looked at the guards filling the house.

My mother looked up, her eyes widening at the sight of me. "Oh, Akira! What happened?" she said casually, as if nothing out of the ordinary had occurred.

"What the hell is all this about?" My father frowned, rising from the sofa, and I approached them. "Ar-are you guys okay?" I asked, visibly worried.

"What will happen to us?" my mother questioned, standing up and wiping my sweating forehead. My father gestured to the guards to lower their guns, and they nodded. 

"I literally got a Code Black SOS!!" I showed him the message and looked at his phone, which displayed no such alert. 

"I didn't get any, nor did your mother," he explained, and I held my head. "Where's Kyungjyuu?" I asked, and my mother winced. "Tell me!!" I exclaimed urgently.

"He's in the red room," my father replied, and I sighed, gripping my hair. 

"Mom!! You told me there was an attack and something happened to father," I exclaimed, annoyed, and she looked at me surprised. 

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