VLive With Akira

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Akira's POV

I rose early, greeted by the dim morning light filtering through the curtains. Jungkook, just returning from his work, looked visibly fatigued as he entered our home.

It was only six, and concern etched my features.

"You okay...?" I asked, worry lacing my voice as he nodded with a muted "hmm."

His weariness was evident as he mentioned, "I'll be better after I take a shower." He retreated into his bedroom, and I couldn't shake off a lingering unease.

"He won't sleep in the bath, will he?" I muttered to myself, contemplating the possibility, as I decided to go for a run to clear my mind.

An hour later, I returned, gulping down some water to rehydrate.

Picking up the books I needed to read from the table, I strolled into the kitchen, contemplating the day ahead. As the coffee machine hummed to life, I couldn't help but think about Jungkook.

"I wonder if he's already asleep..." Pouring a cup, I inhaled the rich aroma and walked towards my room, ready to start the day.

"Hi. You are coming in. Hi. I'm tired. I'm tired." Jungkook's voice greeted me as I entered the room, finding him sprawled on my bed, his phone fixed facing it.

"I am going to sleep. Don't bother me," he retorted, his exhaustion evident.

"Sleep in your room!" I replied, calmly tossing my book onto the bed. I moved to close the curtains, attempting to create a conducive environment for some rest.

"But I thought of you again," he said, and I paused, turning back to him. "I am saying that I thought of ARMY," he clarified, his attention already on his phone.

I realized he was talking to his girlfriends and not addressing me, a twinge of irritation settling in.

"What is it? What did you say? While preparing my morning, live..." Jungkook mumbled, his attention still fixed on his phone.

"I shouldn't be sleeping this late... I'm in trouble, right?" His words floated into the room as he continued scrolling through his phone.

I glanced over at his comments, only to find fans playfully commenting on his late hours and expressing concern.

"This is my pillow. This is my pillow. Do you know a wooden pillow? Do you know it?" Jungkook suddenly veered into an odd tangent, showing his pillow to the camera.

Honestly, in my opinion, it looked rather atrocious.

"But how I sleep... I sleep like this. I put the neck like this. Like this... I sleep like this. Like this..." He elaborated, demonstrating his peculiar sleeping position.

A quizzical expression crossed my face as I observed him.

"Should I even let him continue this...?" I questioned myself, a hint of bemusement lingering as I watched Jungkook share his unique sleep routine with his audience.

Our eyes met, and Jungkook smiled at me. Without any expression, I looked away, picking up my mug to drink my coffee while staring back at my book.

"Noona, they're asking what you're reading," Jungkook said, reading a comment from his phone. I glanced at the screen with a deadpan expression.

"I was planning on enjoying my free life, but my father had other plans in the store for me," I deadpanned, and Jungkook burst out laughing.

"It's not actually funny," I remarked, and he laughed even louder.

"Noona got promoted to be the Chairman next year," he announced to the Army, and a flurry of replies and comments flooded in.

"I will sleep. I will do 'I am falling asleep.' But when I am trying to sleep... It's not making me sleep," Jungkook groaned, expressing his frustration.

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