🎃Halloween 2.0🎃

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{Am back, time for spooky day}
Edd: Spiderman
Edd had grown up loving comic books and was a huge fan of Spiderman, and had even begged you to watch the new movie as soon as it came out. To say he was a fan would be an understatement. He'll try and Spiderman-kiss you any chance he can get, though he might also fall

Tom: Jason Todd
There's a hero theme going on so Tom obviously wanted to do something edgy without doing Batman. Because that was too predictable and he was anything but. And he just really liked Jason Todd's story in the comics so it was a win-win

Matt: Hatsune Miku
Now, he says it was a dare but none of the other boys ever remember dating him to do so but they don't object since Matt still slayed in the costume. He even carried around a leek pillow, which totally wasn't stolen by a certain someone to cause chaos...

Tord: Joel Miller
He was a huge Last Of Us fan between the game and eventual show so he just had to do it. He originally wanted to be a clicker but soon realized he didn't have enough patience to deal with Matt applying everything so that idea was scrapped

Eduardo: Spiderman....2??
Him and Edd, in one of the rarest moments of actually being nice to one another, decided to both go as Spiderman because of the new movie. Of course they have to do the meme at least once. Eduardo bases his costume off of Spiderman-2099 for obvious reasons

Jon: Care Bear
Make fun of him all you want—Eduardo— but he was so excited when he showed everyone his costume. He went as Grumpy bear and even did an impression of Eduardo, which surprisingly got a snicker from the grump himself

Mark:An angel
It was a simple costume yes, but he was a simple man himself so it actually fit pretty well. He even wore a nice and fancy white suit with all white shoes and even a white tie. Of course he would steer clear of everyone so it wouldn't get dirty but at least he tried to not be a complete stick in the mud

Paul: lumberjack
Listen, we all know Paul is already build like a lumberjack so why not? To be honest he didn't have a costume ready before hand so he just put on a flannel and suspenders and stole a hat from Patryk. It was pretty convincing so he didn't really mind, and it gave him an excuse to show off his muscles so win for everyone

Patryk: Sherlock Holmes
Like Paul he didn't really think of a costume before hand, only difference was that Patryk had a backup just in case. He had been Sherlock a few years ago and kept the costume for safe keeping so he just grabbed that. Unfortunately as soon as he got to the party he got an idea of who he would have loved to be but couldn't, which was Hercules. Maybe next year

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