👱‍♂️Parental acceptance👩

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[Thank you for the request, I was struggling with ideas<3]

(I'm gonna use mom/dad for this but you can interpret however you like depending on your situation. Not all families are the same and some of us only have 1 parent which is valid)
You're parent(s) absolutely love this man. He is everything they thought you deserved and more. You're mom already started calling him her son the second or third time they have met. You're dad has also taken quite a liking to him, always talking to him when they visit. Both have openly told you two to get married and have kids

Your parents like him, but they don't really understand him. They can clearly tell he loves you but his narcissism confuses things every so often as well as his sometimes immature nature. Your mom likes him the most while your dad is more conceded in his opinion. They keep negatives to themselves because they know you love him

Your Dad liked him the moment he saw you two together, in his words he "could feel the connection". Your mom however does not feel the same, passive aggressively commenting on Tom's drinking habit and temper. After a while she warms up to him a bit but there's obvious tension every so often.

Opposite of Tom, your mom adores Tord. You'd be lying if you said she too had a crush on your boyfriend but Tord was loyal so you didn't mind. Your dad however was suspicious of everything Tord did, no matter how sweet or thoughtful. He's talked to you many times about a breakup but you refuse every time

Your parents didn't even want to meet him at first, having already heard stories about your new boyfriend from their friends. But after a while you convinced them and honestly? They love him. He treats you so well but isn't afraid to joke around when they're over. He's just so natural and peaceful around you and they're very glad to meet him

They don't really know what you see in him but are supportive nonetheless. They're nice to him and treat him very well, but there's a wall that probably won't be coming down any time soon. Mark isn't really bothered by it as he just cares for your opinion, because you were his priority, always and forever

Your mom and dad are obsessed with him. It's gone so far that you start to think they visit for him more than they do for you. Not saying they love you any less, but they definitely love Jon more. Your mother and Jon have weekly visits and make cookies while your father shares interests with him, whether that be fishing, hunting, cars, etc. It doesn't matter if Jon knows a lot, your dad'll teach him

He's their favorite of all of your past relationships. Though they may not agree with many things about him like his smoking habit they can clearly see he loves you. Your mother once commented that he acted like your lap dog and you couldn't even be mad cause it was very accurate. Paul and your dad get along surprisingly well and even go drinking together when you and your mom have a girls night. They're silent the entire night, but have a complete conversation just with facial expressions, it's a little funny

Oh. My. Gods. Your parents will not stop talking about how amazing Patryk is. And you get it, he's responsible and the poster boy for the perfect boyfriends that all parents would love, but Jesus is it annoying to hear. Patryk is pretty flattered every time your mom visits, as she makes it a point to squish and punch his cheeks like an old babushka would to be grandson. He's a little nervous around your father but they're on good terms

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