🥄Big spoon or Little spoon🥄

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{I got nuthin}
Edd: big spoon but would still enjoy being little spoon. Especially if he had a hard day or is upset about smthn.

Matt: mans is too tall but he loves being little spoon [#shortY/Nsquad] . Makes him feel safe and protected, like a precious jewel.

Tom: Big spoon. Will die of embarrassment if he is little spoon. Would throw a fit. Will fight you

Tord: Big spoon......do I even have to explain?

Eduardo: Afraid someone might take you away from him if he doesn't hold onto you, he is a big spoon

Jon: I mean come on- he needs to be protected, little spoon. He doesn't mind at all, just happy to have cuddles

Mark: Doesn't like cuddling all that much but will go either way on the rare occasions, leaning more towards big spoon

Paul: Little spoon normally but if away for a longer stretch of time or after a bad day at work he demands to be big spoon

Patryk: big spoon. He just loves having you in his arms and being able to rest his face in the crook of your neck

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