🐕Lost pets🐈

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{This is a request from one of you guys so I hope you enjoy!}
If you lost a beloved pet Edd would be there for you from the very beginning. He'd give you space if you needed it obviously, but he wouldn't leave you to be alone. He'll draw pictures of your lair pet to try and cheer you up from time to time

This man would be crying with you. He's pretty emotional to begin with but seeing you upset makes it even worse. And if he had met that pet, oh boy— You both will mourn together, but you'll also help each other when it gets too much

Now Tom did understand the huge deal of losing a pet since he never really had any growing up, but he does try and cheer you up. If you wanna drink your pain away (and are of legal age), he'll watch over you and make sure you don't get hammered in the morning.

He doesn't really see the deal with a pet's death, which may lead to a small argument in the future. He's not the best at comforting you about these kinds of things but he'll try after a while because you're his love, and he hates when you two are mad at one another. He especially hates when you're upset

He uses comedy and jokes as a coping mechanism, which might not help in your case and he feels bad about it. If he slips up and makes a joke he'll immediately apologize and wrap you in his arms, comforting you. He doesn't mean any harm and will do anything to cheer you up, his pride thrown out the window just for you

Mark has lost a beloved pet before so he understands the impact it can have on a person. He'll want you to talk to him about how you're feeling as often as possible, and if he see's you getting sad he'll try and bring up good memories to cheer you up. He thinks crying and getting it all out is best in the beginning

Poor bean cry's with you. He's an animal lover by heart and any death, even if it isn't his, he'll get emotional. You both would have little cuddle sessions where you guys eat a tub of ice cream or some snack and just watch cartoons. He'll always listen to you and never interrupts, especially if you're crying

He would buy you a new pet, but not as a replacement. He knows a beloved pet could never be replaced, but he wanted you to focus on good and happy things, and a new pet could fill that hole the pet had left. He'll cuddle with you for as long as he needs to make sure you're ok, and will even hold a mini funeral for said pet

Pat is the mom friend so he has everything to help cheer you up: movies, snacks, big cozy blankets and wine. He'll coddle you day in and day out until he sees you smile and just be generally happy. Patryk won't push you to do things you don't want to during this time and will handle everything around the house

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