🥃{Monster! Tom x reader}

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(I had based this off of a song I had been listening to recently.)

[Take a listen before if you like]<3

Tom had always been somewhat of a mystery to you.
Sure you had lived with the guy and the rest of the gang for a year now, but he never really fully opened up to you. The things you did know about him were told to you by the other two boys in the house or what you had picked up on throughout living with the drunk.
You never really minded him being a bit restrictive, however. He wasn't much of a people person, much preferring to stay home than interact with others, but he'd always be nice(in his own Tom way) to you despite all of that.
It made you feel, special, in a way. Like he had made an extra effort just to be nicer to you and only you.
To say you had a crush on Tom was an understatement: you loved him. Everything he had to offer you wanted. His silky brown hair and deep void-like eyes enticed you. His soothing voice, though a little rough, lulled you to sleep with little ease. You wanted him. You wanted to be the reason he would randomly laugh, or would smile that ever so rare smile that made your heart pump faster. You wanted to be important to him
You couldn't ...
Despite your internal longing, you knew he would never accept your feelings. Your friendship would be ruined. You'd loose him.
His smile
His laughter
You kept telling yourself that he had held back from telling you things because he just didn't like you that much, tolerating your presence at best. It broke your heart, but it had to be done.
Or, did it?

You awoke to a loud thud and what seemed like a window breaking coming from somewhere in the house. Normally a thud and glass shattering wouldn't raise any suspicion in this house, as disaster often followed the boys wherever they went, but this time, this time was different.

All of the guys had gone out for the night and weren't supposed to be home until the morning, so that meant someone else was in the house..... and you were completely alone...

Shaking, you quickly and quietly got out of bed, reaching for a heavy wooden bat that stood behind your door. If someone was gonna kill you, you would at least put up some sort of fight.
The noise appeared to come from down stairs, most likely near the front door or the kitchen as they were the only rooms with large windows in the same vicinity.
Mustering up all the courage you had in your body, you raised the bat above your head and silently slipped down the stairs, stopping as you reached the bottom to look out into the dark room. Confusion plastered on your brows

What confused you, was that none of the windows had been broken, the doors were all attached on their hinges and locked tight.

"What was that sound then? And where did it come from-?"
Your thoughts were cut short when an extremely large hand(???) was placed on your shoulder.
Immediately forced into fight or flight mode, you swung the weapon you had at the intruder, only to have it crash into the thing's other hand before impact.
Baffled, you turned to face this thing.
Bad idea
It wasn't an intruder, and it certainly wasn't human
It was a giant monster!!

You were about to shriek in fear when the same hand that had been on your shoulder zipped over your mouth.
The large beast adorned two twisted black and purple stripped horns. It's skin a black gradient with rough scales scattered about, a tail flicking behind the being's body matched. It's face slender and pointed, holding pitch black voids as eyes
Wait- pitch black eyes?

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