🔫Future!Edd x reader: Part 2🔫

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[I am low-key obsessed with this story rn]
     {!!TW mentions of graphic nightmares!!}

It's been about a week since you had started staying with Edd. He agreed to let you stay, on the basis that once you were fully healed that you help out around the safe house as well as do a few chores whenever he was away. Agreeable terms, so you gladly accepted.

For the first few days he stayed around, tending to your healing wounds and helping you around to wherever you needed to go. After the third day, he cleared you to be able to do things by yourself safely.

He'd go out more often to grab supplies and lookout. Leaving Ringo, the lovely grey cat you had previously met, to keep you company for when he was away.

You hadn't heard anything about Tom for a while, but you just shrugged it off. Deciding it was probably to remove any suspicion on his part. Edd agreed to keep lookout for him though, suspiciously knowing in extreme detail on Tom's appearance.

You'd have to ask about that later. But for right now, you needed to focus on the dinner you were preparing.

It wasn't anything special, just a simple soup made with a few vegetables Edd had bought at a nearby town as well as some chicken you had found in the freezer. In no way did you see yourself as a professional cook, far from it. But you had to admit, your food was pretty good.

As you were stirring the pot of soup for the thousandth time in the last hour, Ringo jumped upon the counter, meowing and nudging at your arm.

She only did this when Edd had returned, being trained early on not to jump on the counters. It was like her own little alert.

Dusting away any mess left on the stove and counters, you listened for the almost familiar footsteps you've become accustomed to. And you heard them, you definitely heard them. But- there was someone else there with him. An extra pair of footsteps following closely behind.

"Y/n!" The brunette had called out, excitement in his voice. "I got a surprise for you"


"Oh yeah? Well you're just in time for dinner!" your voice was calm and smooth, a complete opposite from how you actually felt in the pit of your stomach.

"Good, cause I'm starving."

That was not Edd's voice, that was- it couldn't be! You flung your body to face the door, a familiar figure smirking as his blacked out eyes lay uncovered for the first time in what seemed like years.

"Got enough for one more?"


In no time Tom was on the floor, your arms wrapping around his larger frame, holding on for dear life. Tears plummeted past your eyelids, soaking his clothed shoulder you were currently buried in.

Warm and gentle hands rubbed comforting circles around your back as Edd contently watched the scene before him. Chuckling at the display.

One sappy, heartfelt hug later and you both had gotten off the floor. Him sitting in a chair while you turn off the stove and bring the boys their dinner.

You were beaming with joy. Having one of your best friends back after what felt like an eternity, even if it was a limited reunion. It made you feel so much better, knowing he was safe.

During dinner the three of you chatted about many things. Apparently back at base, Tom was a suspect for quite a while. That is until Matt had surprisingly vouched for the brunette. He too seemed to be hiding secrets from the tyrannous Red leader.

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